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With Yash by my side, we rode away on his bike into the night, destination unknown. The wind tousled my hair as the engine roared beneath us. The city lights blurred into streaks of color, and for the first time in a long while, I felt a sense of happiness and freedom.

As the cool night air brushed against my face, I couldn't help but smile. The weight of the past seemed to fade away, replaced by the exhilarating sensation of the open road and the company of someone who cared. In that moment, the uncertainty of our destination only added to the thrill, and I embraced the joy of riding away into the unknown with Yash, leaving the troubles behind.

As Yash and I approached a house from which loud music emanated, it became evident that a vibrant party was in full swing. Yash took my hand in his, leading me confidently through the lively crowd. Upon entering the house, the pulsating beats grew stronger, and the atmosphere buzzed with energy.

We made our way upstairs, and into a room where the music's thumping seemed to lessen. Inside, only three people occupied the space – two girls and one guy. As they looked towards us, the guy let out a whistle, remarking, "God, she is gorgeous."

Feeling a surge of discomfort, Yash immediately wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulder. "Go away," he asserted, his voice firm, a shield against any unwanted attention. In that moment, his presence felt both reassuring and empowering.

The boy commented "someone being jealous". 

Yash responded with an eye roll.

one of the girls rose from her seat and enveloped me in a reassuring hug. "Hi, I'm Radha," she introduced herself with a friendly smile.

Returning the gesture, I responded, "Hey, I'm Tara."

"Oh, we know," another girl chimed in, breaking the ice with a playful remark.

Yash leaned in to explain, "They're my friends, Tara – Rohit, Radha, and Naina."

Naina chimed in, expressing her excitement, "I've been so eager to meet you, wanted to see which girl stole this heartless guy's heart."

Blushing at the compliment, Yash took charge, saying, "Come on, let's go somewhere," and led me towards the exit. Glancing back at his friends, he mouthed something to them that I couldn't quite understand. Perhaps he said, "Ready?"

Yash led me to a spacious balcony, the night air crisp and invigorating. His warm hands wrapped around my shoulders, offering a comforting embrace.

As I stood on the balcony with Yash, a sudden buzzing sound caught my attention, and confusion flickered across my face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, a drone swooped by, its propellers creating a gentle breeze that moved my hair.

As the drones meticulously aligned themselves to write "Marry Me" in the night sky, a surreal display unfolded above, casting a bewitching glow. The confusion was evident on my face, and I found myself lost in the enchantment of the unexpected spectacle.

Caught up in the mesmerizing display, I didn't pay much attention until Yash called my name. Turning towards him, my heart skipped a beat. There, on his knees, Yash held a box containing a ring. The realization struck me — was this breathtaking proposal truly meant for me?

Yash's eyes held a mix of sincerity and vulnerability as he took a deep breath, the city lights casting a soft glow on the balcony.

"Tara," he began, his voice gentle yet resolute, "I know our parents might have preplanned this marriage, but I want you to know that I don't want you to feel pressured. Your happiness means more to me than anything."

He continued, "If you decide to marry me, Tara, I want you to know that I'll consider myself the luckiest guy in the whole world. I want to give you the world, make every moment special for you."

Surprised, I stood there on the balcony, Yash's proposal hanging in the air. The truth was, he didn't need to do this. Our marriage was already preplanned by our parents, but Yash wanted to make it special. As I processed his words, I realized he was treating me better than any man in my life, despite the short time we had known each other.

In that moment, I didn't need to think twice. Yash's sincerity and the effort he put into making this moment special spoke volumes. Even though the outcome of our union was already decided, he wanted to make it memorable, and that made all the difference. My heart knew the answer, and with a smile, I responded, "Yes, Yash. I'd be honored to marry you."

Yash's eyes lit up with joy as soon as I said yes, and a wide smile graced his face. With a tender touch, he placed a stunning diamond ring on my finger. The ring sparkled in the soft glow of the city lights, a symbol of the momentous commitment we were making.

Suddenly, Yash's friends burst onto the scene, armed with a champagne and cake. They enveloped us in hugs, expressing their heartfelt congratulations.

As the echoes of celebration surrounded us, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming happiness. Yash's smiling face, the glimmering diamond on my finger, and the support of friends—all of it felt like a dream. The reality of having Yash in my life, someone who cared deeply and went the extra mile to make our moments special, flooded my heart with gratitude and joy.

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