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As I stood at the our meeting spot, waiting for Rajveer, the night air carried a cool breeze. Hugging myself tighter, I glanced at my phone to check the time – 7:30, half an hour later than our supposed meeting time. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I pondered the significance of this dinner with Rajveer. After all, there was nothing wrong with just having dinner; friends did that, too.

I had opted for a simple yet chic look – a white top paired with black jeans, my hair cascading down in its natural state. The makeup was minimal, just a touch of the natural look. I didn't want Rajveer to think I had gone through any extra effort for our dinner.

Anxiety crept in as I contemplated the silence of my phone, the lack of any messages or updates from Rajveer. Doubts flitted through my thoughts – had there been a misunderstanding, or was there a reason he couldn't make it on time? The initial excitement of the evening morphed into a gnawing uncertainty, and the cool breeze now carried a tinge of disappointment.

I checked my phone once more, desperately hoping for a message that might explain the delay. Yet, the screen remained stubbornly empty, intensifying the unease that had settled within me.

As I lingered outside my apartment building, a nagging thought crept into my mind – perhaps Rajveer had forgotten about our dinner plans, making me question my significance.

Just as the disappointment settled in, a sleek black KTM rolled up to a stop in front of me. The rider, adorned in a black leather jacket, removed his helmet, revealing Yash.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, genuinely surprised. Yash mirrored my question, responding, "I could ask you the same, Tara. What are you doing here all alone at night?" There was a sigh in my voice as I admitted, "I'm waiting for someone," a subtle undertone of disappointment seeping through.

Yash raised an eyebrow, swiftly typing something on his phone before stowing it away. He handed me his helmet, urging me to put it on. Under different circumstances, I might have hesitated, but in the face of being stood up, I accepted without a second thought. "Where's yours?" I asked. "Don't worry about it," Yash reassured.

With the helmet secured, I settled onto the back of his bike. My hands found their place on Yash's shoulders, and he reciprocated by placing his hands on top of mine, providing a sense of support. In the quiet exchange, Yash remarked, "Hold me tight," guiding my hands to grip his waist. Before I could respond, he declared, "Let's go," igniting the engine and accelerating into the night.

As the bike gained speed, my hands instinctively tightened around Yash's waist. The rush of cold wind enveloped us, and for a moment, I forgot about the disappointment that lingered from being stood up. Leaning into Yash's back, the world blurred around us. The sound of the engine and the sensation of the brisk night air replaced the earlier disheartenment with an unexpected thrill.

In the simplicity of that ride, I found solace. Yash's unwavering support, both physically and metaphorically, allowed me to momentarily escape the shadows of unanswered questions. The city lights blurred into streaks of color as we weaved through the streets, and I realized that sometimes, unexpected detours can lead to unexpected moments of clarity.

Yash brought the bike to a stop in front of the familiar club, the same place where I had once ended things with Kabir. Looking at the bustling scene, the long queue, and the thumping music escaping the club's entrance, I couldn't help but reminisce about the past. Handing Yash his helmet back, I took a moment to observe the club's vibrant facade – the lights, the music, the people immersed in the moment.

Deciding that it was time to replace the memories of the past with new, positive ones, I agreed when Yash suggested going inside. "Let's go," he said, taking my hand in his. We began to make our way towards the club, and I expected to join the queue like everyone else. To my surprise, Yash guided us straight to the main gate.

As we approached, he exchanged greetings with the bouncer, who promptly opened the gate for us. I overheard some disgruntled sighs and complaints from those waiting in line for who knows how long. Yash, seemingly unfazed, winked at the crowd and waved, bidding them goodbye as we entered. The decision to bypass the queue didn't sit well with everyone, and the murmurs of discontent followed us inside.

The moment we stepped through the entrance, the music enveloped us, pulsating through the air and resonating within me. The thumping beats synchronized with the newfound rhythm of the night. As Yash and I navigated the energetic crowd, I felt a surge of exhilaration, a stark contrast to the echoes of the past. The loud music became a backdrop to this impromptu adventure, drowning out the remnants of any lingering doubts.

Once inside the vibrant club, the pulsating beats of the music became a visceral force, drowning out the echoes of the past. Yash and I embraced the energetic atmosphere, letting the rhythm of the night guide us into a world where the present took precedence over the past.

As we found our way to the heart of the dance floor, the allure of the night unfolded. The ambient lights painted the surroundings in hues of excitement, casting a spell that invited us to shed the weight of our worries. The crowd's collective energy merged with the music, creating an intoxicating blend of sound and movement.

In the midst of the contagious fervor, I found myself drawn into Yash's embrace. The dance floor became our sanctuary, and the music coursed through us, sparking an intimate dance that transcended the boundaries of the past. With each beat, the distance between us and the memories that haunted me dissolved.

The cool touch of a drink in my hand added a tinge of liberation. I took a sip, letting the taste mingle with the electrifying ambiance. The music throbbed, and I allowed myself to be carried away by the intoxicating fusion of beats and emotions. Yash and I moved in harmony, our bodies swaying to the rhythm, forging a connection that overshadowed the weight of previous disappointments.

As the night unfolded, dancing intimately with Yash became a celebration of now, a deliberate act of leaving behind the burdens that once weighed me down.

In the midst of the pulsating lights and infectious beats of the club, my attention was abruptly diverted as I caught sight of Rajveer entering the club, his face marked with unmistakable worry. His eyes scanned the energetic crowd, desperately seeking me out until they locked onto me. However, the expression on his face quickly shifted from concern to pure anger.

A surge of defiance and hurt welled up within me, and instead of diffusing the situation, I decided to amplify it. Running my fingers through Yash's hair, I intensified the dance, my gaze fixed provocatively on Rajveer. Yash, caught in the crossfire, looked at me with a mix of confusion and intrigue. Seizing the moment, I pulled Yash closer, encircling my arms around his neck, initiating a dance that seemed to bewilder him.

As Yash reciprocated by placing his hand on my waist, a gasp escaped my lips, the tension in the air palpable. The fleeting moment of intimacy was abruptly shattered as Yash's hand was forcefully removed, replaced by the impact of a swift punch to his face. A collective scream resonated through the crowd, echoing my own shocked cry.

Yash, wiping away a smear of blood from his mouth with his thumb, managed a smirk directed at the seething Rajveer. The club's atmosphere, once charged with exhilaration, now crackled with an intense confrontation.

Yash's gaze, a perplexing mixture of amusement and something I couldn't decipher, met mine. Rajveer, on the other hand, looked terrifyingly furious, his anger threatening to spill over and consume everything in its path.

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