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Standing in front of our new apartment, gifted by Yash, I hesitated before ringing the bell. He had recently bought it, claiming it would be our home after marriage. I initially resisted the idea of such extravagance, but Yash, always generous, insisted, "Just say which apartment you want, and it will be yours the next day." He even purchased it under my name, a gesture that overwhelmed me with unfamiliar warmth.

Today marked the housewarming party for our new space. I held a white forest cake in my hands, accompanied by Riya. Her reassuring touch atop mine and a slight nod made me aware of my nervousness. The anticipation heightened as I waited for Yash to open the door.

The presence of Rajveer, also invited, added an unexpected layer of tension. I wanted answers, to understand why he made me breakup with Kabir.

Yash opened the door with a warm smile upon seeing me. Eager to greet me, he approached for a hug but halted when he noticed the cake in my hands. Taking it from me, he handed it to Riya, who rolled her eyes in mock disgust.

With the cake set aside, Yash engulfed me in a tight hug, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. Riya's playful exclamation from behind, "Get a room!" reflected a mix of amusement and feigned annoyance.

As we broke apart, Yash gestured towards the apartment, inviting us in. Although I had seen it before, the lavishness never failed to amaze me. Riya, witnessing it for the first time, gasped, expressing her envy. "I'm so jealous of you, Tara," she remarked, to which I chuckled.

Yash closed the door behind us, coming near me and placing his hand on my waist, pulling me closer. The apartment, adorned with elegant furnishings, boasted spacious rooms and large windows that flooded the space with natural light. The simple yet luxurious decor reflected Yash's impeccable taste and his desire to create a beautiful home for us.

"I thought Rajveer would be here already," I questioned Yash, noticing a momentary drop in his smile before it returned.

"Why are you worried about my brother when you have me?" Yash replied. "No, I was just asking. When are your friends coming?" I swiftly changed the topic, attempting to divert his attention. Yash stared at me for a few seconds before answering, "They'll be here soon."

I couldn't reveal to Yash that I planned to find proof for Rajveer's accusations that day. Initially, I resisted Riya's suggestion to go through Rajveer's phone, but with no other options, I decided to proceed. It was a delicate matter, and I couldn't disclose my suspicions about his brother to Yash just yet.

The doorbell rang, and I excitedly told Yash, "It must be your friends," rushing to the door with a smile. However, instead of Yash's friends, it was Rajveer who stood on the other side. I forced a smile upon seeing him, my internal disgust masked behind a façade of politeness.

Questions swirled in my mind as I wondered why Rajveer would orchestrate such a situation. Suppressing my discomfort, I stepped aside, allowing Rajveer to enter, and closed the door behind him.

As the house party reached its peak, laughter and chatter filled the air. The lively atmosphere included me, Riya, Rajveer, Yash, and his friends Rohit, Radha, and Naina. The room buzzed with energy as music played in the background, and the clinking of glasses mingled with animated conversations.

I felt the warmth against my throat as the alcohol took effect. Riya engaged in conversation with Rohit, and I shot her a smile. The alcohol's influence gradually took control, creating a hazy ambiance. Riya subtly motioned towards the bathroom, and my gaze followed to find Rajveer entering. Understanding the signal, I saw an opportunity.

Riya strategically positioned Rohit, shielding me from prying eyes. Radha and Naina were engrossed in their phones, and Yash was outside for a call. The timing couldn't be better. Seizing the moment, I grabbed Rajveer's phone from the nearby table. Surprisingly, there was no password, making my task easier.

Opening the phone, I searched for messages, but the inbox was empty—evidence of a cover-up. Disheartened, I was about to close the phone when I noticed the photos tab. Intrigued, I clicked it, hoping for a breakthrough. And there it was – the original photo that was manipulated to frame Kabir. An unknown guy kissing the same girl. My heart raced as I realized the extent of Rajveer's deception.

Sliding through the photos on Rajveer's phone, I made a startling discovery that sent shivers down my spine. There, captured without my knowledge, were photos of me. Moments from my daily life – working, attending college, dining out with Riya, and even in the privacy of my own room. The invasion of my personal space and the violation of my privacy shook me to the core, leaving me stunned and disturbed by the extent of Rajveer's intrusion into my life.

Hastily placing the phone back on the table, I heard the water tap open, and moments later, Rajveer emerged from the bathroom. The revelation weighed heavily on me, realizing I had been a fool for not believing Kabir.

Realization hit me like a sudden storm – there was something undeniably wrong with Rajveer. As I rose from the sofa, I unintentionally collided with him. Instinctively, he steadied me, his hands touching my bare skin. A wave of repulsion washed over me; every touch felt like an invasion of my personal space. His gaze, tracing my face – eyes, nose, and lips – intensified my discomfort.

It dawned on me that Rajveer wasn't just a meddlesome brother; he was utterly and madly obsessed with me. The realization sent a chill down my spine, prompting me to extricate myself from his grasp, my senses reeling from the unsettling truth that had unraveled before me.

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