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"Rajveer, you didn't have to do that," I said, my voice trembling with gratitude as I looked at Rajveer. His response was firm, "I can't stand by and let him do something so disgusting. He deserved it."

A mix of relief and gratitude washed over me, and I thanked him sincerely for intervening. However, as the chaos unfolded, I couldn't shake off the memory of how Rajveer had been at the verge of losing control, his anger threatening to escalate to a dangerous level.

In that tense moment, Rajveer's fury seemed to overpower reason. Blood seeping from Kabir's mouth painted a grim picture of the violence that had transpired. For a fleeting minute, a surge of fear gripped me as I realized the extent of Rajveer's anger.

The crowd, sensing the severity of the situation, rallied to restrain Rajveer from further harm. It took a collective effort to separate them, and eventually, Kabir was rushed to the hospital for medical attention.

Worry etched across my face as my eyes fell upon Rajveer's battered knuckles, stained with the aftermath of the altercation. "Rajveer, you really should get that checked at the hospital," I urged, concern lacing my voice. He waved off my suggestion with a nonchalant grin, insisting, "It's not a big deal, Tara. Just a scratch."

My concern deepened as I anticipated that convincing Rajveer to seek medical attention might be a futile endeavor. He exuded an air of resilience, a determination to downplay any sign of vulnerability. It became apparent that convincing him to visit a hospital would be an uphill battle.

Observing Rajveer's dismissive stance, I quickly concluded that he wouldn't willingly make the trip to the hospital. A wave of determination surged within me to address his injuries, even if it meant taking matters into my own hands.

Scanning our surroundings, I noticed a pharmacy nearby.

"Wait a minute," I told Rajveer, my resolve firm. I hurried towards the pharmacy, the urgency of the situation propelling me forward. As I entered the store, the fluorescent lights cast an artificial glow on the rows of medicines and supplies. I quickly grabbed a bottle of Dettol and a pack of cotton, envisioning a makeshift solution to tend to Rajveer's wounds.

Returning to him, I found Rajveer waiting outside the cafe. "Sit down," I instructed, gesturing towards a chair. The city bustled around us, indifferent to the intimate moment unfolding. Rajveer complied, and I set to work, pouring some Dettol onto the cotton. The antiseptic aroma filled the air as I delicately began to clean his wounds.

In that focused moment, our surroundings seemed to blur, and my attention centered solely on the task at hand. The city's chaos faded into the background as I carefully tended to Rajveer's injuries. As I cleaned each knuckle, his eyes, usually filled with unwavering strength, now held a vulnerability that resonated with the unspoken depth of our shared experience.

Glancing up, I found Rajveer watching me intently. His gaze, a silent acknowledgment, conveyed gratitude and perhaps a hint of surprise at the unexpected care. The connection between us deepened in that quiet exchange, a bridge built through the simple act of tending to wounds and the unspoken understanding that lingered in the air.

As I finished cleaning his knuckles, the tension that had gripped us since the cafe altercation seemed to dissipate.

"Thank you," Rajveer said, breaking the silence. His gratitude echoed in those two words, carrying the weight of unspoken emotions.

The lingering silence between Rajveer and me was palpable, heavy with unspoken words and the aftermath of the chaotic cafe scene. Lost in thought, I pondered what to say next, unsure how to navigate this unexpected connection forged amidst the turmoil.

As the quietude persisted, Rajveer broke the stillness by retrieving his phone. Opening the dial pad, he extended it towards me, a silent request for my number. My mind raced with uncertainty, debating whether sharing this piece of information was a step too far.

Noticing the hesitation, Rajveer began to withdraw his phone, a respectful acknowledgment of my potential reluctance. In that moment, I wrestled with my decision, contemplating whether to let this connection grow or to maintain a cautious distance.

Just as he started to pull his phone away, a sudden impulse surged within me. In a swift motion, I reached out, taking the phone from his hand.

With a sense of determination, I typed in my number, the soft clicks of the keys echoing the weight of the decision.

Handing the phone back, I met Rajveer's eyes. His face lit up with a genuine smile, a mix of relief and happiness. The unspoken exchange became a bridge between us, a small step forward in navigating the complexities that had brought us together in that unexpected moment.

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