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Riya's voice cut through the air, a mix of disbelief and upset. "What? Tara, you're getting married to Yash, and you didn't even tell me? And the engagement is this week?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her disappointment. "Riya, I couldn't tell you sooner. Everything happened so fast, and I didn't want to burden you. It is a marriage of convenience."

A few seconds of silence passed before Riya responded, "I understand." Despite the initial shock, her understanding tone conveyed a willingness to accept the situation, and I couldn't help but appreciate the resilience of our friendship in the face of unexpected turns.

Riya's voice softened as she responded, "I understand, Tara. I know you wouldn't have had any say in this."

She continued to ask about my well-being, delving into whether I had met Yash. Recalling their brief encounter during an award ceremony, Riya mentioned her reservations about him. Oddly, at the mention of Yash's name, a smile crept onto my face.

"What's that? You're smiling," Riya questioned, sensing a change.

I couldn't help but share the newfound joy. "Riya, Yash is a really nice guy." I showed her the ring and recounted how Yash had proposed, the details unfolding like a cherished story.

Riya gently took my hand in hers, eyes fixed on the sparkling ring. "Wow, Tara. It's beautiful," she exclaimed, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "I'm so happy for you. I need to meet Yash soon so I can see for myself."

As Riya and I settled into a lively conversation at the park near our college, the tranquil ambiance was interrupted by a familiar voice calling my name.

"Tara!" the voice echoed, causing both of us to turn toward the source of the interruption.

I squinted against the sunlight, recognizing a guy from my class approaching. "Hey, Tara! Long time no see," he greeted with a casual smile.

Riya shot me an inquisitive look, clearly curious about this unexpected reunion. I replied with a polite nod, "Hey! Yeah, it's been a while."

Rohit hesitated for a moment before finally approaching me. "Hey, can we talk?" he asked, his eyes revealing a mix of uncertainty and anticipation.

I smiled, appreciating his effort to initiate a conversation. "Of course, Rohit. What's on your mind?" I replied, eager to hear what he had to say.

As Rohit began to speak, his words were drowned out by the insistent buzzing of my phone. I fumbled to retrieve it from my pocket, glancing at the screen to find Yash's name flashing across it.

"Sorry, Rohit. I need to take this," I explained, lifting the phone to my ear. "Hey, what's up?"

Rohit swiftly snatched the phone from my hand, a determined look in his eyes.

"She's busy right now," Rohit asserted, shooting me a stern glance. "You can talk later."

He hung up abruptly, returning my phone to me.

I chuckled, a mix of disbelief and amusement coloring my response. "Well, you certainly took charge of the situation. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

Rohit let out a heavy sigh, the words hanging in the air as he gathered the courage to express his feelings. "Tara... I really like you. Now that you and Kabir have parted ways, would you consider being my girlfriend?"

My mind raced in confusion. Rohit, proposing to me? Since when had he harbored such feelings? Our interactions had been minimal; what could he possibly see in me?

"What?" I responded, a tinge of disbelief coloring my voice.

An audible groan escaped Rohit, irritation evident in his tone. "You heard me. I like you, and I want you to be my girlfriend," he asserted firmly.

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