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Sitting in my bedroom, Shrestha's words echoed in my head. She talked about the Singhania family keeping secrets, secrets darker than the night outside my window. It made me wonder, was Rajveer, someone I trusted, really that bad?

I looked around my room, the familiar walls suddenly feeling like they were closing in on me. The Singhania family, with their polished smiles and lavish parties, seemed like a facade now. What were they hiding behind those smiles? And what did Rajveer have to do with it all?

The knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I called out, "Come in." Kalpana, our house help, stepped into the room, her expression slightly hesitant. "There's someone here to meet you," she announced.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired, "Who is it?"

Before Kalpana could respond, the door swung open, and there stood Yash, a sight that filled me with instant joy. "Yash!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement as I bounded off the bed towards him, my heart racing with anticipation.

I met him after almost 4 days

A rush of relief washed over me. Yash had been busy with his brother's bail, and I didn't want to burden him with my worries. But seeing him now, standing before me, all thoughts of restraint vanished, replaced by the overwhelming urge to embrace him.

As Kalpana smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her, I couldn't help but notice a shift in the atmosphere. A wave of unease washed over me when Yash didn't reciprocate my hug as he normally would. I pulled away slightly, a frown creasing my brow as I looked up at him.

His expression was blank, his eyes red and intense as they bore into mine. My heart sank as I realized that something was off. His usual warmth and affection were replaced by an unsettling emptiness, and the sight of him looking so different sent a shiver down my spine.

"Yash, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, filled with concern. But he remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he continued to stare at me with an intensity that made my skin crawl.

I reached out tentatively, placing a hand on his arm, hoping to break through whatever barrier had come between us. But he didn't react, his eyes still fixed on me with an unsettling intensity that sent a chill down my spine.

"Yash, please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "Talk to me."

But still, he remained silent, his gaze piercing through me like a knife. And as I stood there, paralyzed by the weight of his stare, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

As I attempted to break the hug and gain a clearer look at Yash's face, his grip on my wrist tightened, pulling me back towards him with unexpected force. A gasp escaped my lips at the suddenness of his action, my heart racing with alarm.

His expression remained blank, his eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. But then, without warning, his gaze shifted, his eyes narrowing as they trailed down to my lips.

I felt a surge of panic as I recognized the hunger in his eyes, a primal desire that sent a wave of fear coursing through me. And before I could react, he lunged forward, his lips crashing against mine in a bruising kiss.

My mind reeled with shock and confusion as his lips moved hungrily against mine, his touch rough and demanding. I struggled against his hold, but his grip on my wrist only tightened, trapping me in his embrace.

Desperation clawed at me as I fought to break free, the realization sinking in that this was not the Yash I knew – this was someone else, someone consumed by a darkness I couldn't begin to fathom.

With a surge of adrenaline, I pushed against him with all my strength, finally breaking free from his grasp. Gasping for breath, I stumbled backwards, my heart pounding in my chest as I stared at him in disbelief.

Panic surged through me as Yash advanced, his intensity sending me recoiling backward until I stumbled and fell onto the bed. Before I could react, he was on top of me, his eyes filled with hurt and accusation.

"How could you, Tara?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with betrayal. But his words only left me more confused, my mind struggling to make sense of his sudden change in demeanor.

He stood up, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Yash, what are you talking about?" I implored, my voice trembling with fear and confusion.

But Yash's anger only seemed to escalate, his rage simmering beneath the surface as he grabbed a vase from the table stand and hurled it across the room, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the air.

A scream escaped my lips as I recoiled from the chaos, my heart pounding in my chest. And then, just as I feared I couldn't bear another moment of his rage, the door burst open, and there stood Rajveer, his expression one of concern.

"What's going on?" Rajveer demanded, his eyes scanning the room for answers. Without hesitation, I started moving towards him, seeking refuge from the storm of emotions swirling around me.

But Yash's grip on my hand tightened, anchoring me in place as he refused to let me go. Rajveer stepped forward, coming to my rescue as he intervened, his voice commanding Yash to release me.

Yet Yash paid no attention to his brother's words, his gaze fixed solely on me with a haunting intensity. And then, in a voice barely above a whisper, he uttered words that chilled me to the core.

"How could you, Tara?" he whispered, his tone filled with anguish and accusation. "How could you meet Shrestha when you knew she is against us?"

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