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As I struggled to regain consciousness, a distant voice echoed in the fog of my mind, calling out my name with urgency.

"Tara! Tara!,"

With a groan, I slowly opened my eyes, only to be met with blinding brightness that seared through my skull like a searing flame. My head throbbed with a relentless ache, each pulse sending waves of agony rippling through my senses.

Blinking against the harsh light, I tried to make sense of my surroundings, but my vision remained hazy and distorted. Shapes and shadows danced at the edges of my perception, refusing to coalesce into anything recognizable.

Panic clawed at the edges of my consciousness as I struggled to piece together where I was and how I had ended up here.Through the haze, a figure materialized before me, its features blurred and indistinct against the glaring light.

A voice, deep and commanding, spoke my name again, cutting through the fog with a sense of urgency that sent a chill down my spine."Are you awake?" the voice asked, its tone laced with concern. I tried to respond, but my throat felt dry and constricted, words failing to form on my lips.With a shaky breath, I forced myself to focus, pushing past the pain and confusion to take stock of my surroundings.

Slowly, the pieces began to fall into place, the blurred shapes resolving into the outlines of a dimly lit room.As my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized that I was lying on a cold, hard surface, my body feeling heavy and sluggish with disorientation. Memories of the van, the men who had abducted me, flooded back with a sickening jolt, sending a surge of fear coursing through my veins.

But before I could dwell on the terror of my situation, the voice spoke again, closer this time, its presence a comforting anchor in the darkness."Can you hear me?" it asked, the concern in its tone unmistakable. I managed a weak nod, my head still throbbing with pain, but the sound of my own voice eluding me.With a gentle touch, the figure leaned closer, their features finally coming into focus as my eyes adjusted to the light.

It was a Yash, his face etched with lines of worry and exhaustion."Thank goodness," he murmured, a hint of relief in his voice. "You had us worried there for a moment."I tried to speak, to ask where I was and how I had gotten here, but the words remained trapped in my throat, lost in the fog of my mind. All I could do was meet his gaze, silently pleading for answers in the darkness.

My heart pounded in my chest as I struggled to make sense of the scene before me. Yash, bound and helpless, lay nearby, his hands and legs tightly bound with thick ropes. Panic surged through me at the sight of him, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Beside him, Shrestha was also tied up, her expression a mask of defiance despite the bonds that held her captive. My stomach twisted with dread as I realized that we were all prisoners in this dark and unfamiliar place, at the mercy of unseen forces.

With a surge of adrenaline, I tried to move, only to discover that I too was bound, my limbs immobilized by the same cruel restraints. Fear clenched at my throat, choking off any attempt at speech as I struggled against the confines of my captivity.

"Tara, wake up! We need to do something. We are being held captive!" Shrestha said.

"What do you mean we're held captive?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear and confusion.

Shrestha's gaze was steady as she replied, "Rajveer is behind this. He brought us here."

Yash's eyes flashed with indignation at the accusation. "No, that's impossible. My brother would never do something like this," he insisted, his voice tinged with defensiveness.

Shrestha's expression remained resolute. "After you left, Rajveer arrived with his men and took me captive," she explained calmly.

Yash's denial was swift. "It can't be him. There must be some mistake," he protested, his voice growing more agitated.

But Shrestha's words brooked no argument. "We're at the Singhania farmhouse, the same one Rajveer has been using for years," she revealed, her tone unwavering.

I turned to Yash, a mixture of sadness and frustration clouding my features. "Yash, I know this is hard to accept, but Rajveer has been stalking me. He's capable of more than you think," I confessed, hoping to break through his denial.

Yash's expression faltered, a flicker of doubt crossing his features, but he quickly shook his head. "No, I can't believe that. Rajveer wouldn't... he couldn't..." he trailed off, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Shrestha passed me a knife lying next to her legs. I open my tied arms with the help of that and move next to shrestha.

"You look for a way out and I will untie Yash," Shrestha said.

With trembling hands, I pushed open the door, my heart pounding in my chest. What I saw sent a shiver down my spine.

Before me lay a dimly lit corridor, its walls adorned with gruesome images of torture and violence. The sight made my stomach churn with revulsion, but I forced myself to focus, knowing that our escape depended on it.

I scanned the corridor for any signs of movement or danger, but it appeared to be deserted. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I motioned for Shrestha and Yash to follow me as we cautiously stepped out into the hallway.

Every shadow seemed to whisper of danger, and I felt a chill run down my spine as we made our way forward.We moved quickly but quietly, our footsteps echoing softly against the cold stone floor.

The air was thick with tension, each moment stretching out agonizingly as we searched for a way out. Finally, we reached the end of the corridor, where a heavy wooden door stood ominously before us.I hesitated for a moment, uncertainty gnawing at my resolve. But then, with a determined nod to my companions, I reached out and pushed open the door, revealing a narrow staircase leading down into darkness.

Without hesitation, we descended into the depths below, each step bringing us closer to freedom and the unknown horrors that awaited us beyond.

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