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I look at Naina, not quite believing what she just said. "What do you mean they are not real brothers?" I ask, a sense of confusion settling in.
I stare at her, trying to process this information. It feels surreal, and for a moment, I consider the possibility that Naina might be intoxicated, talking nonsense. "Are you sure about this?" I question skepticism evident in my tone. Naina nods, her expression serious. "I know it sounds surprising, but it's the truth."

Naina takes a deep breath, seemingly hesitating, and then explains, "Rajveer and Yash are cousins, not biological brothers."

Naina continues, shedding some light on Yash and Rajveer's family history. "Yash doesn't delve much into that chapter of his life, revealing only fragments. Rajveer is Kabir's maternal aunt's son, adopted after his mother's tragic death in a warehouse fire when he was about 9. Kabir's mother then adopted him into their family, creating a bond that seemed unbreakable. However, after a few years, she, too, passed away in an accident."

"They both love each other and would die for each other. You cannot tell that they are not real brothers," Naina concludes, emphasizing the depth of their connection.

As she speaks, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions – surprise, confusion, and a tinge of betrayal. It's unsettling to realize that such a significant part of Yash's life was kept hidden from me, even if it wouldn't change anything. I grapple with the notion that both Kabir and Rajveer chose to keep me in the dark about this essential aspect of their family history.

Riya, noticing the lateness of the hour and the weariness in Naina, suggests that she should rest. She motions for me to follow her as she heads to the living room and the attached balcony. I close the door gently behind me and join Riya in the cool night air outside.

"Riya, you won't believe what I found on Rajveer's phone. First, I discover he's obsessed with me, and now, the bombshell – Yash and Rajveer aren't even real brothers. There are pictures and videos of me, taken randomly from a distance – at college, with you, and other places," I reveal, watching Riya's eyes widen in shock. Continuing, I add, "Kabir was right. Rajveer is the one who made me break up with him. I even found the same picture that Shristi sent you on your phone on his phone." After a deep sigh, I turn to Riya, seeking understanding, "Riya, what is happening? I am so confused."

Riya hugged me tightly, offering comfort in the midst of the chaos. "It's not your fault, Tara. We'll get through this. We need to be strong," she reassured, breaking the hug. Her surprise echoed mine as she admitted, "I didn't think Rajveer would be the bad guy. We need to find out the reason why."

I nodded, determined. "Police won't be of much help; he's too powerful. We need to think of something ourselves." Just as I was contemplating confronting Yash and seeking the truth about Rajveer, his voice interrupted our conversation, making me freeze. "What about Rajveer?"

Yash entered the room, questioning, "What about Rajveer?" Riya exchanged a glance with me, and in that moment, I realized it was now or never. I needed answers. Taking a deep breath, I decided now was the time to confront Yash and unravel the truth about Rajveer.

"Yash, I need you to tell me the truth," worry creeps onto his face. He questions, "What's wrong, Tara?"

I press on, questioning him about his relationship with Rajveer, "What is your relation with Rajveer".

Surprised, it's quite visible on his face. He regains his composure, "Brothers. We are brothers, Tara." I press further, "Real?"

He counters, "Who told you that?"

Dismissing the question, I insist, "That's not important, Yash." Inhaling deeply, he returns to the living room, pacing nervously. "You weren't supposed to know it like that. I was going to tell you, Tara."

"But why didn't you tell me sooner," I question. He reveals, "Because Rajveer said not to."

"Tara, Rajveer is scared of being judged," Yash's voice held a hint of vulnerability. As I stared at him, puzzled, he took a deep breath and continued, "He's my maternal aunt's son. She tragically died in a fire accident, and since then, Rajveer has been with us. He's like a real brother to me, and a true son to our father."

The revelation struck me with a mix of surprise and understanding. Yash, sensing my thoughts, spoke earnestly, "We never discriminated against him, Tara. He's an integral part of our family. We just don't like opening that chapter of our lives because it's painful. Losing someone in such a tragic way leaves scars, and we've tried to protect Rajveer from unnecessary judgments."

I nodded slowly, absorbing the weight of the untold story that had shaped Rajveer's life. Yash's eyes reflected sincerity as he continued, "He's more than just a cousin, Tara. He's a brother, a son, and an inseparable part of our lives. But Rajveer fears how people might perceive him if they knew about his past."

As Yash paced the room, the depth of Rajveer's struggle became apparent. "I was going to tell you, Tara, but it's not an easy story to share. I wanted you to know him for who he is, not the tragedy that marked his early life. And, I was respecting Rajveer's wishes; he's scared of being judged for circumstances beyond his control."

His words lingered in the air, inviting understanding and compassion. The layers of Rajveer's concealed past unfolded, and I found myself reevaluating the complexities of the relationships within the Singhania family.

"Yash, I... I'm sorry," I began, realizing the need for understanding and compassion. However, before I could express my regret more fully, Riya's voice cut through the moment.

"Tara," she said, her tone urgent. I turned to follow her gaze and found Rajveer standing at a room's door.


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