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Sitting in the quiet corner of the cafe, I immersed myself in the world of microbiology, my focus shifting from the tumultuous emotions of the past to the intricacies of my academic pursuits. The soft hum of conversation and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee provided a comforting backdrop as I delved into preparing my presentation due later in the week.

Each slide became a sanctuary—a refuge from the echoes of a relationship that had unraveled far too quickly. My mind, however, couldn't escape the residue of emotions tied to Kabir. I never imagined our first love would crumble under the weight of betrayal.

Its been two months since our breakup. He tried everything he could to talk to me but I just couldn't.  It wasn't easy but I had to.

How could I after what he did?

The gentle chime of the café door caught my attention, and I instinctively looked up to see who had entered. To my surprise, it was Rajveer, making an entrance that effortlessly commanded attention. Dressed in a sleek tuxedo, he exuded an air of polished elegance.

As he scanned the room with confidence, our eyes unexpectedly met. Time seemed to pause for a fleeting moment, and I quickly averted my gaze, feeling an unexpected warmth creeping onto my cheeks. There was something captivating about the way he carried himself, a refined charm that left an impression.

I immersed myself back into my work, attempting to hide the blush that lingered. The café buzzed with activity, but in that small, fleeting exchange, I couldn't help but wonder about the polished exterior and the mystery that seemed to surround Rajveer. As I stole glances from my laptop, I found myself drawn to the subtle allure that his presence brought to the otherwise routine surroundings of the café.

Engrossed in my work, the rhythmic sounds of the café faded into the background until I heard a familiar voice making an order. A strange mix of tension and curiosity gripped me as he interacted with the barista, deciding whether to take his order to go or stay.

I focused on my laptop screen, pretending to be engrossed in my work.

"I'll be having coffee in the cafe." His deliberate choice echoed through the air, and I couldn't help but listen intently. The distinct sound of his footsteps resonated, growing closer with each passing second.

As he neared, a sense of anticipation filled the air, and my mind raced with the hope that he wasn't making his way towards me. I kept my gaze fixed on the screen, engrossed in my work, while secretly hoping his presence would gracefully bypass my corner of the café.

In a moment that felt suspended in time, Rajveer's smooth voice broke through my concentration. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, a polite request hanging in the air. Caught off guard, I weighed the options, considering the implications of refusing. It seemed impolite to decline, so I offered a hesitant yet courteous, "Sure, feel free."

Rajveer gracefully pulled out the chair across from me and settled into it. His presence was both unexpected and intriguing. As he made himself comfortable, I returned to my work, though now acutely aware of the shared space and the unspoken exchange that lingered between us.

As Rajveer delved into casual conversation, he paused and looked at me intently. "Are you okay?" he asked, a genuine concern in his voice. I couldn't help but be taken aback by the sincerity of his question.

"Why wouldn't I be fine?" I replied, attempting to brush off the complexity of the emotions that still lingered. However, before I could divert the conversation, Rajveer spoke softly, "I was at the club yesterday. I saw everything."

A wave of discomfort swept over me, and I averted my gaze, pretending nonchalance. "I'm fine," I insisted, a lie that hung heavily in the air. Before Rajveer could delve deeper into the unspoken turmoil, my attention shifted abruptly.

In the midst of our conversation, I caught sight of Kabir making his way towards us. His eyes bore an intensity that hinted at simmering anger, and a knot tightened in my stomach. The cafe suddenly felt too small as the complexities of my emotions collided with the imminent confrontation that loomed on the horizon.

A pang of sympathy hit me as I observed him—his usually well-groomed appearance replaced by disheveled hair and weary eyes that betrayed a night spent wrestling with emotions.

Kabir's usual charisma seemed overshadowed by a tired and defeated demeanor. The weight of the previous night's events etched across his face, manifesting in the untamed locks and the shadows under his eyes.

As Kabir drew near, the air became charged with tension. His disheveled appearance betrayed a turbulent night, and as he reached our table, the atmosphere grew stifling. Without a word, he pulled out a photo, a moment frozen in time, capturing an intimate encounter we had once shared.

A chill ran down my spine as Kabir's demeanor turned threatening. He demanded, "You're coming back to me, Tara. Or everyone gets to see this."

The threat hung heavily in the air, and the cafe seemed to fade into the background. The vulnerability of the situation gnawed at my composure, but a surge of defiance welled up within me. I met his gaze, refusing to succumb to the manipulation that now tainted our shared history.

In a sudden turn of events, Rajveer, driven by a sense of justice, swiftly snatched Kabir's phone from his hand. As his eyes fell on the intimate image of me, a mix of anger and disappointment clouded his expression. He closed his eyes momentarily, sighed, and decisively deleted the compromising photo.

Keeping the phone aside, Rajveer stood up, his calm demeanor replaced by an unexpected surge of fury. In a swift motion, he delivered a powerful punch to Kabir, who crumpled to the ground. A collective gasp echoed through the cafe as the sudden violence unfolded, catching everyone off guard.

My eyes widened in disbelief at the abrupt turn of events. The cafe patrons stared, momentarily frozen, as the fight between Rajveer and Kabir escalated. Rajveer, fueled by a sense of protectiveness, overpowered Kabir, his voice cutting through the chaos.

"How dare you," Rajveer exclaimed, a fierce determination in his eyes.

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