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Yash's voice trembled with emotion as he confronted Shrestha, his words heavy with the weight of betrayal. "Dad was the one who sponsored your education after your mother's demise," he began, his voice tinged with bitterness. "And this is how you repay us, Shrestha? If it wasn't for Dad's generosity, you wouldn't be the successful lawyer you are today."

Shrestha met Yash's gaze with unwavering resolve, her expression calm despite the storm raging within her. "I am eternally grateful for everything Mr. Singhania has done for me," she acknowledged, her voice steady. "But my allegiance lies with the pursuit of truth and justice. I will stand against anyone, regardless of their past kindness."

Yash's jaw clenched, frustration bubbling beneath the surface as he struggled to comprehend Shrestha's unwavering stance.

How could she turn her back on everything they had done for her? How could she stand against them with such conviction?

"Excuse me," Shrestha interjected calmly, her voice cutting through the tension-filled air as she moved purposefully towards the table where the head of the station, Dheeraj Dixit, was seated. I watched as she placed a few papers and pictures on the table, her actions deliberate and precise.

Curious, I glanced at the badge on the head of the station's uniform, confirming his identity as Dheeraj Dixit. His expression remained impassive as he regarded Shrestha, his features betraying no hint of emotion.

Shrestha's hands trembled slightly as she unfolded the papers and spread out the photographs before us. My eyes widened in shock as I took in the images—bruises marring the delicate skin of a girl's arms and legs, the marks stark against the pallor of her flesh. The girl's face was obscured in the photos, but the evidence of violence was undeniable.

"These are the photos that show how brutally Rajveer abused my client," Shrestha declared, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I studied the photographs, the brutality of the injuries leaving me speechless.

The marks were vivid and numerous, a stark testament to the pain and suffering inflicted upon the victim. Each bruise told a story of violence and trauma, painting a chilling picture of the horrors endured by the girl at Rajveer's hands.

As I stared at the damning evidence spread out before me, a shiver ran down my spine. The bruises, the marks of violence inflicted upon an innocent victim, painted a chilling portrait of Rajveer's true nature.

My mind flashed back to the day I stumbled upon incriminating messages on Rajveer's phone, a discovery that shattered the image of him as the loving and caring brother I had always known. But even then, I had never imagined that he was capable of such brutality.

As Yash and I exited the room, the weight of the revelations hung heavy in the air, casting a pall over our spirits. Yash paused, his eyes searching mine with a mixture of sadness and resignation.

"Please, Tara," he murmured softly, his voice heavy with emotion. "I'd like to be alone for a while."

I nodded in understanding, recognizing the need for solitude in moments of turmoil. "Of course," I replied gently, offering him a supportive smile. "Take all the time you need."

With a grateful nod, Yash turned and made his way out of the station, his shoulders slumped with the weight of the world on his shoulders. I watched him go, a pang of sadness tugging at my heart as I realized the depth of his pain.

Once Yash was out of sight, I found myself a bench and settled onto it, the events of the day replaying in my mind like a broken record. The chaos, the revelations, the betrayals—all of it swirled around me, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

As I sat on the bench, lost in my thoughts, I felt a presence approach me. Looking up, I saw Shrestha stepping out of the room, her expression pensive yet oddly familiar.

Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, there was a flicker of recognition in her gaze, as if she had just remembered something important. With a small smile, she began to make her way towards me.

As Shrestha drew closer, the tension in my shoulders eased slightly, replaced by a sense of curiosity. What could she possibly want with me after everything that had transpired?

Her smile was warm and genuine as she stopped in front of me, her eyes meeting mine with an intensity that took me by surprise. "Tara," she said softly, her voice laced with a hint of familiarity. "I'm glad I ran into you."

I returned her smile, albeit tentatively, unsure of what to make of this sudden interaction. "Shrestha," I replied, offering her a polite nod. "Is there something you need?"

Shrestha shook her head, her smile widening. "No, nothing in particular," she said. "I just wanted to say hello, and.... warn you."

What did she mean by "be careful"? Was she referring to Rajveer, or was there something else I needed to watch out for?

Before I could voice my question, Yash stormed over, his expression stormy as he confronted Shrestha. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, his voice sharp with anger. He reached for my hand, pulling me protectively towards him as if shielding me from any potential harm.

Shrestha's smile remained unchanged, her demeanor calm and composed despite Yash's outburst. She glanced at our intertwined hands, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Congratulations, Tara and Yash, on your engagement," she said smoothly, her words catching me off guard. "Sorry I couldn't attend. I was abroad for some work."

Yash's silence hung heavy in the air, his grip on my hand tightening slightly. Shrestha turned to me, nodding in acknowledgment before offering a polite smile. "We should meet sometime," she suggested before turning to leave.

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