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The pulsating beats of the club's music reverberated through the air as the atmosphere crackled with tension. Rajveer's eyes narrowed with fury as he confronted Yash, his voice cutting through the chaotic noise.

"How could you take Tara to the club when you knew I was supposed to?" Rajveer's anger echoed in the dimly lit space.

Yash knew about our meeting? Do they both know each other?

Yash, wearing a sly smirk, retorted, "I did take her. What are you going to do, kill me?"

Rajveer's fists clenched, ready to unleash the storm within him, when the guards intervened. "Rajveer sir, what's wrong?" one of them asked, concern etched on his face.

"Get everyone out of here," Rajveer barked in response, and the crowd began to disperse, leaving a trail of curious whispers in its wake.

I couldn't help but wonder how effortlessly Rajveer's order was followed, raising suspicions about his connection to the club. My mind raced with thoughts, contemplating the possibility that Rajveer might be the owner.

Yash's taunting voice cut through the air, "You can't control everything, Rajveer."

Determined, Rajveer started making his way towards Yash, fueled by a burning rage. However, before the confrontation could escalate further, I stepped in between them.

"Why are you so angry, Rajveer? You stood me up during our date...I mean dinner and now you act possessive?" My voice was firm, gaze unwavering. "You have no right to be angry."

Rajveer's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a hint of sadness. "Tara, it's not like that. Please, just listen to me."

Unwilling to hear his explanation, I dismissed him with a resolute tone, "I don't want to hear anything." I took Yash's hand in mine, making my way towards the exit.

Glancing back, I caught a glimpse of Rajveer standing alone, his eyes fixed on my intertwined hand with Yash. There was a moment of silent communication between us, a subtle understanding tinged with regret.

In my mind, confusion swirled. I pondered the enigma that was Rajveer—his mysterious authority over the club, his unexpected anger, and the complexities of his emotions. As I walked away, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Rajveer than met the eye.

The exit door swung open, ushering us into the cool night air. My thoughts were a whirlwind as I left Yash's hand, the events of the evening leaving me with a sense of unresolved tension and a myriad of unanswered questions.

Behind us, the club's doors closed, shutting off the chaotic sounds of the night. Yet, in my mind, the echoes of the verbal confrontation lingered, leaving me to grapple with the complexities of emotions and the enigma that was Rajveer.

My mind echoed with disbelief, "I can't believe him. How could he do that?" Tears welled up, flowing down my cheeks without warning.

"Why do I always have bad luck with dating...men?" I muttered, hiccuping between words, a lament for the recurring misfortune in my love life.

Footsteps drew near, and suddenly, Yash was beside me. With unexpected tenderness, he took my face in his hands, gently wiping away my tears. "It's not your fault, Tara," he comforted me, his words a soothing reassurance against the sting of betrayal.

Confused by his kindness, I wondered if it was the influence of alcohol. Yet, my gaze involuntarily drifted to his lips. Surely, it was the alcohol, making me feel like I wanted to kiss him. But as I entertained that thought, Yash broke our eye contact and moved toward his waiting motorcycle.

He handed me a helmet, a silent invitation to join him. I complied, getting on the bike as he motioned for me to do so.

The engine roared to life, carrying us away from the pain of betrayal.

Rajveer didn't even bother to come and check on me. What an asshole!

As we journeyed, the urban buzz faded, replaced by the soothing sound of the wind. Yash skillfully maneuvered through the quiet roads, and soon, the surroundings changed. The distant glow of the city was replaced by the soft radiance of the moon, casting a gentle glow on the path ahead.

Suddenly, the cityscape disappeared entirely, and I realized we were reaching a coastal area. The distant sounds of traffic were replaced by the tranquil melody of waves crashing against the shore. The salty breeze carried a sense of freedom, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the night sky.

Yash's silhouette against the moonlit horizon added a touch of mystery to the scene. The rhythmic symphony of the waves crashing became more pronounced, creating a serene backdrop to our nocturnal escape. With each passing moment, the weight of the city's chaos lifted, leaving us immersed in the tranquility of the coastal night.

The bike slowed down as we reached the coastline, and Yash brought it to a gentle stop. We dismounted, and he took my hand, leading me closer to the water's edge. The moon cast a silvery glow on the waves, turning them into a shimmering dance against the dark canvas of the night.

"Tara, you can't blame yourself for what happened tonight. It's not your fault."

"Yash, I don't understand. I thought tonight was going to be different, but it ended up being a mess."

"Tara, sometimes things don't go as planned, especially when it involves others. You can't control every aspect of life."

"I just don't get it. Why does it feel like my luck with relationships is cursed?"

"Tara, life has its ups and downs. Don't let one bad experience define your journey. What happened tonight, it's not a reflection of who you are."

"But I was stood up, Yash. It hurts."

"Tara, you deserve better. It's not about you; it's about the choices others make. You're a wonderful person, and one person's actions shouldn't overshadow that."

"It just hurts, Yash."

"I know it does. But remember, you're not alone. Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and we find ourselves in places we never imagined. What matters is how we navigate through those moments."

"Why are you being so good to me, Yash?"

"Because you deserve kindness, Tara. It's not about what happened tonight or who's to blame. It's about reminding you that you're not alone in this journey."

As Yash's comforting words echoed in the night, a strange desire sparked within me. His lips moved with reassurance, and in a moment of unexpected vulnerability, my eyes were drawn to them. Was it the alcohol's influence or the tumultuous emotions of the night that led me to contemplate a daring act – to kiss him?

Before I could analyze the absurdity of the idea, a whimsical impulse took hold of me. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against Yash's in a spontaneous move, catching him by surprise. The taste of the unexpected lingered in the air, but as quickly as the moment unfolded, I pulled back, a wave of self-doubt crashing over me.

Had I just jeopardized a burgeoning friendship with my impulsive actions?

To my surprise, Yash's reaction was not what I expected. Instead of recoiling or expressing discomfort, he seized me by the waist, pulling me into a deep and passionate kiss. The world around us faded into the background, and for a moment, it was just Yash and me, lost in the intensity of the unforeseen connection.

"Fuck, tara!" He says between his breath.

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