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Driving back home, thoughts of Rajveer and Yash swirled in my mind like a relentless storm. Their familiarity with each other raised questions, and their mysterious connection left me perplexed. Were they hiding something, or was it just a chance encounter?

As my driver, Rajat, glanced at me through the rearview mirror, concern etched on his face, I assured him that everything was fine. Yet, his lingering gaze suggested he sensed something beneath the surface. Unwilling to delve into the complexities of the evening, I turned my attention to my phone, where Riya's playful messages awaited.

"Where are you? You're not kidnapped, are you?" Riya's words danced across my screen. I chuckled at her exaggerated concern and replied, "Calm down, I am definitely not kidnapped, lol. I am going back home."

Riya's response hinted at the routine nature of my visits. "Yes, your monthly visit. Enjoy your time." Little did she know that there would be no enjoyment at home, only scrutiny and the looming specter of my failed partnership with Kabir.

Arriving at the grand gates of our affluent colony, the guard recognized Rajat and welcomed us with a smile. As he greeted me, his smile widened, and I couldn't help but wonder if he harbored some curiosity about my life beyond these gates.

"Good as always," he replied when I inquired about his well-being. Scanning his security card, he granted us entry, and the massive gates swung open, revealing the opulence that lay within.

Our society, though comprised of only ten houses, boasted immense grandeur, covering a sprawling hundred acres of prime land. The residents were some of the city's most affluent and influential individuals – doctors, lawyers, businessmen – including my father.

As we drove through the manicured streets, memories flooded back – the lavish parties, the pristine lawns, and the facade of a perfect life. The contrast between the exterior opulence and the turmoil within my family often left me feeling like an outsider in my own home.

Entering our driveway, the imposing façade of our mansion loomed ahead. The opulent structure, a symbol of my father's success, stood tall against the city skyline. Yet, within those walls, secrets, tension, and unspoken expectations resided.

My father's expectations, especially in matters of business and marriage, were unforgiving. The failed partnership with Kabir, intended to merge two powerful families, had soured my father's disposition towards me. I braced myself for the inevitable interrogation about my choices.

As the car halted, I thanked Rajat, who acknowledged my gratitude with a nod. The grand entrance, a testament to our family's prosperity, seemed to greet me with a silent judgment.

The door opened, revealing the extravagant foyer, adorned with chandeliers and expensive artwork. With each step inside, the air thickened with anticipation, foretelling the impending conversation with my father – a conversation that would undoubtedly dissect my recent actions and revisit the shadows of my past.

Entering the living room, the tense atmosphere was palpable as I spotted my father seated next to my mother on the sofa. His stern expression intensified upon seeing me, and he rose, hands raised as if to strike me, only to halt abruptly. A gasp escaped my mother's lips, pleading for restraint.

"No!" she screamed, and my father, closing his eyes, withdrew his hands, placing them in his pockets. The room echoed with an uneasy silence before my father spoke, his words dripping with anger.

"Why the hell would you do that, Tara?" His teeth were gritted, and the room seemed to constrict around me.

"He cheated on me! Do you expect me to still love him?!" I shot back, frustration and hurt bubbling to the surface.

"Love?" My father scoffed, dismissing the concept as if it were a trivial matter. He continued, reminding me that I should be grateful for the proposed marriage, emphasizing the importance of the Rajput surname. According to him, it was that very name that elevated us, and without it, we would be nothing.

Before leaving, my father informed me that we were going out for dinner in the evening. A meeting with the Singhania family had been arranged, and it was crucial for him. With that, he exited, leaving my mother and me in the wake of his storm.

My mother approached, offering solace in the form of a comforting hug. Tears streamed down my face, and I couldn't help but question the intricacies of the life laid out before me.

"Mom, how could I stay with Kabir? He cheated on me with another girl!" I sobbed, clinging to my mother as if her embrace could shield me from the harsh realities.

Her touch gentle and reassuring, responded, "Of course you should not. You will find a guy who will love you unconditionally."

In that moment, an unexpected image flashed in my mind – Yash. I shook away the thought, dispelling the notion that someone like him could exist amidst the chaos of my family. Breaking the embrace, I declared, "I am not asking for something extraordinary. I just want him to respect me, and I hope he is nothing like him," motioning towards the room where my father had disappeared.

"You will," my mother assured me, her words carrying a mixture of conviction and maternal comfort, offering a glimmer of hope amid the tumultuous circumstances.

Meeting our housemaid Kalpana, I couldn't resist pulling her into a hug. Kalpana, however, warned against such displays of affection, cautioning me about the consequences if my father were to witness our interaction. Dismissing her concerns with a scoff, I headed to my room to prepare for the evening.

Stepping into my old bedroom, memories flooded back – from playful moments with toys to sleepless nights dedicated to acing exams. The room held a lifetime of recollections. Collapsing onto the bed, I exhaled deeply, surrounded by the echoes of my past.

Switching off my phone upon entering the house, I retrieved it from my pocket to find a barrage of messages and missed calls from Rajveer – 16 messages and 9 calls, to be exact. Opening his message, Rajveer apologized, claiming he had told the truth and urging me to meet him at least once.

Contemplating his words, I acknowledged that there might be more to the story. However, the fatigue from the sleepless night weighed heavily on me, and before I could delve into the intricacies of Rajveer's message, I succumbed to drowsiness, slipping into a deep slumber.

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