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The salty breeze from the ocean tickled my skin as Yash's lips pressed against mine, sending a rush of tingling sensations through my body. His hands explored, tracing a path that ignited a fire within me. The crashing waves provided a rhythmic backdrop to our passionate kiss, deepening with each stolen breath. In that moment, near the ocean, I felt a surge of overwhelming emotions, losing myself in the intoxicating magic of our connection.

We broke apart, both panting for breath, our eyes locked in an unspoken connection.

"Tara," Yash uttered my name in a way that made my knees weak. Before anything more could be said, the jingle of my phone disrupted the moment.

Papa flashed on the screen, signaling an urgent call.

"Sorry, it's urgent," I explained, moving aside to answer the call. Behind me, I could hear Yash taking a deep sigh and running his hand through his hair. The interruption felt like a cruel twist of fate, interrupting what could have been a moment that lingered in the air like the salty ocean breeze.

As I answered the urgent call from my father, his concerned voice echoed through the phone. "Tara, where are you? You were supposed to be home today."

A wave of realization hit me; I completely forgot about my commitment to go home. Rajveer's dinner proposal had managed to wipe that important detail from my mind. Panic set in as I calculated the time needed to reach home.

"I'm on the way," I lied, my voice attempting to sound casual.

"Don't lie, Tara. Rajat is on the way; he must be reaching anytime now. He will be waiting outside the dorm."

The truth stung in my father's words, leaving me with no choice but to accept it. Cutting the call, I turned to Yash, apologizing for the sudden change in plans.

"No worries," Yash replied, understanding the urgency. We both got on his bike, making our way back to the city, heading towards my hostel. The journey back was filled with a subtle tension, my thoughts lingering on the intimate moments we shared, especially that sunrise kiss.

As the city skyline came into view, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. The encounter with Yash had left an indelible mark, making me question the complexities of relationships and the unexpected turns they could take.

As Yash and I reached my hostel, I got off the bike and thanked him for the unexpected yet eventful night. As I started moving away towards the entrance, my eyes widened at the sight of Rajveer standing outside the main gate, leaning against his black Mustang. Our eyes locked, and a tense silence hung in the air.

When Rajveer's gaze shifted from me to Yash, a dark shadow crossed his eyes, and his fist clenched for a few seconds. Fear gripped me, recalling how intense Rajveer's anger could be, especially remembering the incident with Kabir.

Yash got off his bike, and I realized I needed to diffuse the tension to avoid any chaos. I took a step forward, and Rajveer inhaled a deep sigh before making his way towards me. Yash, protective as ever, reached next to me, placing his hands on my waist.

Rajveer stopped in his tracks, a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes. Sensing the need to avoid further confrontations, I gently removed Yash's hands from my waist, thanking him once again for everything. I started moving toward my hostel, hoping to put an end to the escalating tension.

However, Rajveer's stern voice stopped me in my tracks as he called my name. The air became heavier as I turned to face him, caught between the past and the present, uncertain of what this encounter would bring.

"Tara, please, just hear me out. I need to explain why I was late. My phone was with my secretary, and I specifically asked him to remind me an hour before our meeting, but he didn't. It was a genuine mistake."

"That's a load of rubbish! He was busy partying, lost track of time while being with someone else. You can't believe this nonsense."

"I don't know what to believe. Rajveer, is this true?"

"Tara, I swear it's not what he's saying. I had a business emergency, and I didn't realize my phone wasn't with me. Please, believe me."

"Oh, business emergency? That's a new one."

"I need some time to process all of this. I appreciate you trying to explain, Rajveer, but I need some space."

"Tara, don't let his words cloud your judgment. I care about you, and I wouldn't lie."

I nodded and walked towards my hostel, confusion wrapped around me like a thick fog. Yash's accusations played on a loop in my mind, challenging the sincerity I thought I saw in Rajveer's eyes. How could Rajveer, who initiated the dinner, stand me up?

The notion that the dinner might have been just a friendly meet-up brought some relief, but the sting of being stood up lingered. My emotions were tangled in a web of conflicting thoughts. Rajveer seemed genuine, yet Yash's words had planted seeds of doubt.

As I entered my dorm, the weight of the situation settled. Unease lingered, not just about the missed dinner but also the unexpected clash between Rajveer and Yash. Thoughts swirled in my mind, attempting to decipher the truth amid the conflicting narratives.

Closing the door behind me, I slumped onto my bed, replaying the evening's events. Could I trust Rajveer's explanation, or did Yash's accusations reveal a different reality? Amidst the confusion, I yearned for clarity, wondering how a simple dinner invitation had spiraled into such complexity in a single night.

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