#1 Out of Context Stuff

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Out of Context stuff and since I don't know where else to publish them, I choose to publish them here! :D Enjoy!


(Reference to a famous line in the FNAF Movie >:D)

In the aftermath of the tumultuous events, the animatronics and Springtrap stood in a rare moment of collective unity. Golden Freddy, her ethereal presence emanating a peculiar glow, turned to face Springtrap with a sense of camaraderie.

"Together, we are FNAF!" proclaimed the animatronics, a chorus that echoed through the haunted pizzeria.

Springtrap, caught off guard, blinked in surprise. The words hung in the air, resonating with an undeniable cringe factor. The spirits of the fallen children, their voices harmonizing with the animatronics, joined the declaration.

"No! Stop, that's embarrassing just to hear!" he protested, a tinge of irritation in his synthetic, British-accented voice.

The animatronics, seemingly undeterred by Springtrap's dismay, exchanged glances that flickered with a strange mix of pride and amusement. The spirits, too, seemed to revel in the awkwardness of the moment.

Little did they know that, in another realm, FNAF fans watching the movie collectively cringed at the very same declaration. Social media platforms buzzed with a blend of laughter and secondhand embarrassment as the fandom grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

The overlap between the animatronic world and the reactions of the FNAF fanbase created a peculiar harmony of amusement and shared awkwardness. Springtrap, unwittingly embodying the sentiments of many, couldn't escape the resonating chorus of "Together, we are FNAF!" that echoed through the haunted pizzeria.


(The line of William Afton is to a reference to a Marvel line between Loki and Doctor Strange and Thor! :D)

In the dimly lit chamber, the air hung heavy with the stench of decay. Springtrap, bound and twisted, hung suspended in the darkness. Golden Freddy, her ghostly visage shimmering with spectral energy, circled the captive Afton with a malevolent grin.

"This is your hell, William," Cassidy's voice echoed through the eerie silence. "A place where time itself becomes your tormentor."

With a flick of her ethereal fingers, a portal cracked open in the void. Springtrap, ensnared in his own agony, was dragged into the swirling vortex. As he plummeted through the abyss, his twisted form contorted in the weightlessness of the void.

The seconds turned to minutes, and the minutes stretched into an eternity. Springtrap, caught in the timeless torment, felt the disorientation of endless descent. His anguish was only heightened by the echoing laughter of Golden Freddy, who observed the spectacle with a sadistic delight.

Then, without warning, the fall ceased. Springtrap crashed onto the ground, disoriented and furious. His mechanical limbs twitched as he struggled to rise, his British-accented voice seething with rage.

"I've been falling FOR THIRTY MINUTES!" Springtrap bellowed, the anger in his voice reverberating through the hellish chamber.

Golden Freddy's laughter echoed, a chilling melody in the macabre symphony. The torture had only just begun, a nightmarish carousel orchestrated by the vengeful spirit of Cassidy.


(The two first lines are another reference to a famous line of Marvel, originally between Captain America and Iron Man :D)

Amid the looming challenges that faced the animatronics, Sun, the ever-enthusiastic sun animatronic, turned to his counterpart, Moon, with a furrowed brow as his brother wouldn't stop to walk.

"Wait, we need to figure out a plan!" Sun exclaimed, his LED eyes flickering with a mix of concern and determination.

Moon, the more composed and enigmatic counterpart, responded with a nonchalant air, "I have a plan: Attack!"

Sun's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Attack? Just like that?" he questioned, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

Moon, undeterred, nodded with a subtle smirk. "Sometimes the best plans are the simplest ones. We're animatronics, after all. Let's embrace our nature."

As the animatronic duo prepared for the impending challenge, Sun couldn't help but shake his head, a smile breaking across his face. "Well, can't argue with that logic. To victory through attack!"

And with that, the two animatronics charged into the fray, their mechanical limbs poised for action. The echoes of their banter resonated through the haunted pizzeria, a peculiar blend of determination and whimsy that only Sun and Moon could bring to the battlefield.

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