Family | TSAMS AU Oneshot

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Characters: Eclipse, Crimson (Aka the more energetic one of the Bloodmoon-Twins), KC



So, reminder: This thing is old, too, but I'm proud of the write style so like I decided to publish it! :D



Crimson could hear the cries of Harvest echoing through the house. Earlier, Harvest urged him to enter their shared room, desiring to protect him from harm. And now, Harvest cried in the guest room, the stifled sounds of hiccups and choked gasps coming out of the closed door. Vividly, Crimson could still hear the sounds of something being thrown and hit. Crimson could feel how he wrapped his arms around his torso in response, drawing his legs further against his body. He wanted it to stop. He didn't want that Harvest cries.

As minutes passed, Crimson jumped out of bed carefully, opened the door and fidgetily entered the corridor. With widened eyes, he turned his head in every direction, his arms placed close against his body and his thumbs messing with each other. Only the crackling of the wooden floor and the occasional gasps coming out of the guest room seemed to interrupt the eerie silence. And then, as Crimson stepped down the steps and reached the kitchen, his father, Kráľomoc Cruinlagh, or for short KC, was seated on the small, round table, zoning out while spinning a cigarette to each of his fingers. Immediately, Crimson hid his torso behind the wall, only his head and fingers that clawed on the door's rim peeking out.

"I know that you're here, мой сын."

KC's gaze subtly directed to Crimson before taking a drag from his cigarette. With his head propped heavily by his hand, it seemed as if fatigue overwhelmed him. But not the physical sort of fatigue. Gulping, Crimson entered the kitchen slowly, approaching his father and fixating his gaze onto him. KC twisted his head to Crimson, before redirecting it again and briefly tilting his head, signalling Crimson that he should take a seat on the table. Nodding, Crimson approached one of the seats, yet his height made it difficult to reach it. With his father's eyes narrowing, he sighed impatiently. However, his gaze shifted to the left, as if he was thinking, before eventually standing up, lifting Crimson, and plopping him down on the seat. Crimson carried a confused expression. Did father help him? As both were seated, KC shoved a plate with food to Crimson's side of the table, who looked up to him with a raised eyebrow before leaning forward, eying the toast with narrowed eyes, as if being his number one enemy.

"Отец, Почему Харвест плакала?[Father, Why was Harvest crying?]" Crimson asked in concern, before wrinkling his nose as he pulled the raw toast closer to his face - His stomach already churned in protest, as bread is the only thing he has been eating for weeks. Immediately, his father averted his gaze and took a drag of his cigarette, tapping his foot against the ground. His eyebrows seemed to pull closer, his expression tightening. "Don't ask so many questions, Crimson. Now eat, or do you want to starve?" KC demanded, his tone adopting a sharp edge. Directing his gaze down, Crimson nodded before eventually collecting his bravery to take a bite of his toast - He leaned backwards as soon as his stomach churned. "Do we have anything else to eat, father? It's disgusting! Tasting like rotten rat!" His son expressed, swinging the toast back and forth in his hands in disgust. "No," KC replied simply, attempting not to reveal too much. "Just be happy that we have at least a house. Your eldest brother Eclipse has to engage... in a not-so-great job to help me get more money. That's why you don't often see us at home. Anyways, concentrate more on the food, Crimson -Better eat something disgusting than to starve." Crimson lowered his head, directed his gaze to the food before he shoved a piece of toast in his mouth, gulping it down thickly. Then, his thumbs messed with each other as he dangled his legs. "Disgusting food," Crimson whispered to himself, before raising his voice and addressing KC, "What does Eclipse work, father?" While tapping with his foot, KC scratched his cheek, as if attempting to deliver a response that wouldn't disturb Crimson. KC knew that Eclipse's job wasn't child-friendly and illegal, and he hated that Eclipse must engage in such a kind of work. Then, as he folded his arms, he responded vaguely:" Well, you see... erm... many find Eclipse pretty, especially his body, I guess. Can you follow me?" Crimson nodded, and performed with his hand a full circle, signalling father that he could catch up with the information. "So, some people want to see him, and they have... 'fun', I guess. Eclipse gets money because they could... 'play' with him," KC explained, his last words only turning into a whisper. His eyes lighted up, and Crimson put his hands beneath his legs as he swung his body back and forth. "Oh! Like a caretaker?" Crimson asked. KC's eyebrows lowered, as if it saddened him that Crimson was still too young to realize the actual meaning behind his words. "Sure, Crimson... sure," his father whispered, burying himself further into the chair. Crimson picked up on his father's mood, causing his previous gleeful expression to waver. KC's eyes widened, the expressed emotions of his son triggering something within him. A wetness spread across his eyes, before some tears rolled down his cheeks. Swiftly, he wiped away the tears, cleared his throat and pointed to Crimson's food, urging him to continue eating. "You..." father cut himself off, sniffling in between, "Just... just forget it and eat. You haven't eaten anything for days."

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