TSAMS Headcanons! :D

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Today, I'll write about my headcanons because I want to ✨ expand my horizons! ✨(And of course not because I don't have any motivation to write some oneshots-)

✨ My excuses are ChEf's KiSs, rIght? ✨Just like my write style*HUST HUST*

Anyways, sorry for the long intros but like DAMN HOW I LOVE TO WRITE ABOUT SHIT 👏 Tbh, it also makes me feel kind of... lonely??? Cuz technically, I'm just typing some shit into a computer that only I can read before I'm able to publish it- QWQ



𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩: 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙥

Role: Our cup of anxiety with a pinch of in-the-need-of-therapy ✨👏

→ Sundrop identifies with the male gender. Nevertheless, he is very flexible and relaxed when it comes to the pronouns others use to address him.

→ He is pansexual and polyromantic. Quickly and easily could his tendency towards developing crushes be described as they are usually directed towards one or more people he has only recently met. Moon, being an individual identifying as AroAce, doesn't comprehend how Sundrop could find someone attractive. Therefore, it's often Moon's responsibility to snap Sundrop out of his so-called 'Love Episodes.' Yet, his naivety and innocence in matters of love is apparent, as he perceives everyone as a kind and adorable individual with the best intentions at heart.

→ Activities such as cleaning, crafting and humming serve to ground him and help him to think in his own pace about uncomfortable topics he must confront himself with. However, Lunar, Earth and Moon often insist on helping him with the cleaning.

→ Sundrop exhibits traits commongly associated with persons with ADHD. For example, these include difficulty paying attention for a long time, getting distracted easily, difficulty with memory, excessively fidgeting, talking and moving [Messing with his hands, pacing back and forth, playing with his ribbons etc], often interrupting conversations, hyperfixating on objects/activities [E.g cleaning], impulsivity, and impaired behavioral and emotional self-control - Often expressed in tending to have more explosive/emotional outburts for example [Easily frustrated, resulting into moving excessively while raising voice etc.]

→ Sundrop is a music lover. Songs serve to calm him down during difficult times and help him to clear his mind, ultimately drifting off into a world full of imagination and peace. He also uses this tactic to help him immerse himself in the moment, preventing him from being distracted easily. With his siblings Earth, Lunar and Moon, he loves to connect with them through telling them his music taste and listening together with them his playlist that is filled with Jazz and Lo-fi.

→ The trauma he experienced because of the Old Moon impacted his behavior and his reactions towards fights, resulting into his struggle with a self-doubting mindset and high levels of anxiety, always nagging at him that can either rise or lower. Once Moon would raise his voice or express anger, Sundrop would be all fidgety and anxious, attempting urgently to gauge his mood and stay on high alert throughout conflicts. He tends to withdraw into a silent and anxious state once conflicts would arise.

→ One day, Earth gifted him a few plants, such as sunflowers and lavendels, as a silent gesture of appreciation for the help Sun offered into making her a dress. And now, Sundrop takes care of those plants as if they were his children. Lunar also gifted Sundrop a necklace with multiple self-made sun symbols adorning it, which Sundrop now carries as a lucky charm.

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