Into The Rabbithole [Part 2] | TSAMS Oneshot

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Characters: Moon, Eclipse, Sun, Earth



Request to continue: By Dreamblade23


CONTENT WARNING - Violence, Strong Language, Psychological Distress, Power Dynamics and Submission, Existential Themes.

"Make me," Moon responded, a purposeful act in attempting to challenge Eclipse even further. "What do you mean by that?! Do you want that I throw you out of the window?! The crap what is coming out of your mouth right now doesn't make sense!" Eclipse hissed, thrown in a state of confusion - He didn't expect Moon to respond with such a rebellious and provokative remark.

The hum of the inner machines raging within Eclipse's animatronic body increased their muffled rattling, and like a chain reaction, Eclipse's head jerked to the left. As his anger was clearly reflected in his fisted hands, an electric hiss erupted from his hinges that allowed his hands to move, indicating the intensity of the challenge of painting that anger with an arrogant façade over. Still, a strained grin, the sharp corners of which almost broke through the hollow layer of metal, played across his face, causing his left eye to twitch in irritation.

Moondrop leaned back with his lower body and raised his hands innocently after analyzing the animatronic's reaction with his observant nature with a tilt of his head, as if to hone in on the details of Eclipse's body language. The croaking of mechanical accelerators and the way they banged against each other wove a resounding ending to each of Moondrop's sarcastic phrases, and combined with the shadow that erupted across half of his face, he seemed almost eerie.

"Eclipse can't handle any competition, huh? You're Eclipse after all who keeps his precious 'cool', but now, it seems like I pushed a button. And I can't describe how much I ENJOY," (Eclipse took a step back, his arms directed to his own body as the red of Moondrop's eye began to suddenly glow intensely), "to see you desperate with your lil', fragile pride getting hurt. It's almost like turning tables, don'tcha think?"

Eclipse gave a dismissive "Tch" and his eyes narrowed, contributing to another burst of electric hisses, sparks circling through the thick air like a knotted string. After Eclipse felt a cold bead of sweat running down his forehead, he hastily wiped it away with the back of his hand.

"Get the fuck together, Eclipse! Why are you so pathetic that you let MOON scare you just because he has these 'precious' effects?!" his inner voice screamed at him, coated with the toxic aftertaste of self-loathing. As Eclipse felt his features tense, his rays reluctantly withdrew. "What the hell is wrong with him, why...why is he afraid? What should he be afraid of? That idiot?"

Eclipse's hands, which were clenched against the sides of his body, twitched and his fingertips responded by hacking at the air. Eclipse revealed a look at Moon. The shadow on Moon's face seemed like new skin, pushed back only by the eerie outline of his glowing eyes. He smiled. Why was he smiling? Is Moondrop laughing at him? Why does Eclipse care so much?!

"What? Fighting with yourself?" Moondrop straightened himself, as he was frozen in his lean forward position, his arms folded behind his back. His movements were fluid and expressive in an eerie fashion, carrying along the traces of his red eyes and leaving their mark onto Eclipse's face as Moondrop approached.

"Go FUCK YOURSELF," Eclipse shouted, his head held high to emphasize the intensity of his scream, yet the clutching of his own arm and the recoil, executed by a hesitantly backing a step, conveyed his fear. Moondrop, however, chuckled, yet the sharp edges of his laughter revealed his underlying aggression. Moondrop didn't actually found any of this amusing - Okay, a tiny bit, how Eclipse's confidence gets broken so easily -, but he simply wants to torture Eclipse, doesn't matter how. Just making him feel the harm he caused to all the others, Moon's family, and Moon himself.

"Prick, thinking you'd get even a CHANCE through curses. But let me tell you something...," the red glow, intense and dangerous, illuminated Eclipse's face as Moon pulled him closer to himself by grabbing his wrist with a quick swing, "'re just a virus. A virus who thinks he has a purpose."

Eclipse's confidence seemed to shatter, his heart pulsing drastically upward. Eclipse's grin stretched wider before falling, revealing widen eyes. His gaze analysed every area of Moon's face, thinking he might have misunderstood something. However, the reality hit.

"What...what did Moondrop just say?"

Eclipse felt how his resistance to freeing himself from the strong grip on his arm weaken. His hand now hung lifeless and stiff, only stabilized in Moon's painful grip.

"What's fucking wrong with Eclipse, why is he so pathetic in the face of this egocentric idiot?!"

Biting his lip to ease the trembling of his jaw, he lowered his head to avoid those red eyes. Nevertheless, he felt how this intense red color displaced his actual color palette drawn on Eclipse's face.

Why do his cheeks burn so annoyingly? Why does the air feel so thick? Stop acting so sentimental, Eclipse. You're not like Moondrop. You...are better than him.

His shoulders tensed, every barrel of his metallic muscles twitching, before his eyes opened wide, fear written all over his face. Not only did Moondrop limit mobility in his wrist, he gripped also at Eclipse's head, forcing him to look into his eyes. The grip on his jaw drastically limited his mobility, and Eclipse panicked.

It was NEVER planned that way. Why isn't he in control? Why... do Moondrop's eyes stare into his soul? Eclipse placed his own hand over Moondrop's, whose fingertips were uncomfortably nailing into Eclipse's jaw, and tried to slip his fingers under his grip to escape this tricky situation.

"But Eclipse was too weak, too pathetic, too STUPID to accomplish this simple task!" He felt his self-hatred and self-disdain drying up his throat, combined with the piercing, unwavering eyes of Moon.

Eclipse felt the physical and mental pressure he was crumbling under escalate. Reflecting in his rush and clumsy movements, Eclipse tried once again to break free from the grip on his head by pushing himself off of Moon, bracing Eclipse's hand against his shoulder.

"It's barely even a restraint, yet he struggles to break free?! What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM?"

Nothing seemed to work. He was in submission. ECLIPSE WAS IN SUBMISSION, not anyone else. What low level did he just reach?

Then he could betray a brief look to the others who were only silently watching, Sundrop and Earth, before Moon yanked his head back into position, directing it to Moon's face. "You don't deserve to look at them. You hurt them, my FAMILY. So don't try to seek help, and face the consequences of your fucking actions," Moondrop hissed, the glow in his eyes making Eclipse recoil before being forcefully put to position again, wincing in pain. He doesn't have any control anymore. Just being left with nothing. Pathetic.

But, did he really wanted to seek help from these two idiots, Sun and Earth...?

...Maybe he's just a virus. Maybe Moon's right.

Maybe everyone's right.

It hurts, to be honest. But maybe he deserves to get hurt.

Maybe...maybe he deserves to get tortured or whatever the heck will happen to him next.

He... really just a virus with no purpose in life.



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