56. Phantom

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~1 Moon Later~

Avalon felt a hand move slightly clutching at the fabric of her dress and she wiped at her eyes sitting upright on the bed. She smiled softly down at Viserys.

"Avalon." He rasped.

"Hi honey." She whispered.


"I'm right here... Aegon and Alicent are very worried about you but Mellos told us that you would be fine." Avalon assured kissing him gently.

"Love... what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Avalon whimpered. Viserys shook his head ever so slightly. "You collapsed."


"Viserys... Rhaenyra wed Laenor... and you... at their union... you..." Avalon touched his shoulder gently and he looked down feeling a tinge of pain he looked to the nub.

"Avalon." He rasped.

"Your arm... they took it Vis... they saved your life but they took your arm..." Viserys stared at his shoulder willing an arm to appear. "You are going to be okay... don't worry. I love you. I'm not going anywhere." Avalon assured. 

"My arm." Viserys whispered in disbelief. 

"Two arms are over rated anyways." Avalon remarked and Viserys stared at her. "Are you in much pain? Do you need any milk of the poppy?" Avalon offered moving to the night stand but Viserys reached for her, phantom limb though. She moved grabbing the vial and coming back to him. He stared at his armless arm.


"I'm here." She assured. "I'm right here." She grabbed his hand. "I'm right here Viserys."

"Avalon you have to eat." Alicent remarked. 

"I'm sick again." Avalon corrected. "Probably nerves about Viserys, they kept him so sedated and now that he is awake... I just dont like seeing him so confused and in pain." 

"Try and eat something." Alicent begged. 

"Alicent... I'm... I'm pregnant." Avalon whispered. Alicent's jaw dropped. "I just need Vis to be okay."

"Avalon... I dont understand, you were so careful-"

"One night I wasnt." Avalon countered "And now... I fucked up and now... he's..."

"He's going to be fine." Alicent assured. 

"How do you know?" 

"I dont." Alicent admitted as she held Avalon, Avalon sobbed into her. 

Alicent went to Viserys that night, Viserys was surprised to see Alicent and not Avalon, Avalon had been by his side most of his recovery. 

"Viserys, Avalon is pregnant." Alicent blurted out. 

"What?" Viserys demanded. 

"Your child idiot." Alicent added. 

Viserys had been quiet since that news broke, Avalon touched her growing stomach over the next moon, she was confused and scared and worried about her brother. 

Viserys kissed her before saying he was tired and Avalon headed out in tears but Viserys jumped out of bed with a mission on his mind. 

"How is his grace today?" Criston asked and Avalon sniffled a bit.

"He..." Avalon looked up at him. "I am grateful for you ser Criston. You have been a kind friend in the past moons since Viserys..." Avalon looked up trying to contain the tears. "Viserys doesn't like to leave his room these days it seems." Avalon remarked softly.

"I'm here for you, Princess." Criston told her gently.

"I know... thank you." Avalon said heading back Viserys chambers but she stopped short, viserys didnt want her there right now, he felt like less of a man and didnt want her to see him as such. She hesitated leaning against the wall. 

"Avalon." Rhaenyra called. Avalon turned a shaky breath in her lungs. "How is he?"

Everyone asked how is Viserys... everyone. Yet they didn't stop by and check on him themselves. Avalon was glad that Alicent did, she had seemed to be more secretive lately as well. Rhaenyra asked how viserys was but she didnt see Rhaenrya go in to see her father. Avalon suspected that from most but Rhaenyra she hoped for better.

"Come and see him." Avalon requested.

"How is he?"

"Ask him yourself." Avalon begged. "He would like to see you." Avalon assured.

"I... don't think I can." Rhaenyra told her and Avalon sighed a sigh that made her whole body sag.

"good day then Rhaenyra." Avalon said softly as Criston closed the door behind her. "Rhaenyra sends her best." Avalon remarked sitting down next to Viserys on the couch.

"Oh... and the other children?' Viserys questioned as Avalon leaned into him.

"They are alright... they want to see you." Avalon told him trailing her fingers through his hair.

"I... I'm not ready." Viserys told her. SHe noticed him hiding something and she tensed, was she hoovering? She just wanted him well. She shifted beside him. 

"I know I'm just the messenger." Avalon whispered kissing his cheek. "I love you Viserys... I promise you can take as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere, unless you want me to leave, tell me to go if you need some time."

"I don't know how I got so lucky." Viserys whispered. "I dont want you to go, Avalon. I love you so much."

"Honestly, neither do I." Avalon teased. "We go as slow or as fast as you like. With the children, the small council, everything. There is no rush. We have all the time in the world."

"So lucky am I. You make a man out of me Avalon. I'm so sorry I havent been-"

"It's okay." Avalon assured. "I just want you back."

"You have me."

Love Story // Viserys Targaryen // Alicent Hightower / POLYWhere stories live. Discover now