Chapter 1: The Parent Trap

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Chapter one

    Niall and I had been split up as children, the ol' "Parent Trap" scenario. Niall stayed with our mom and our older brother, Greg in Ireland. I was shipped to New York City to be with our dad. That's why Niall had the accent and I did not. Niall and I visited each other frequently. Either him coming to the Big Apple or me to Mullingar. Our father was very wealthy so a weekend trip to Ireland in his private jet was no big deal.

    Niall and I were unseperable, we were best friends. But every time we were reunited, we created trouble. Sometimes a heap of it, other times just minor things. We had just gotten arrested for trespassing.

    I released the bars that I had been clenching with sweaty fists, making my palms smell of metal, like after climbing monkey bars. I put my back against my cage; "Hopefully she won't be THAT mad." I said with a shy smile. Niall's eyes snapped up to me. "Are you kidding?! Remember how mad she was the first time we got arrested?! Imagine how mad she'll be after the SECOND time!" He screeched, emphasizing the 'second'.

    I sighed and gave Niall a disappointed look. He always grew hysterical when we got in trouble, it was his nature. I was like Greg, indifferent. Not letting anything get to me in these moments. It was Greg that founded our defiance, taught us how to be sneaky and have fun; the legal, or illegal way. But Niall had other reasons to be nervous when we got caught. Reasons that I always pushed to the back of my mind and tried to forget, but we both knew that forgetting those reasons was impossible.

    All of a sudden the glass doors opened, making me and Niall jump. My stomach dropped and I turned around slowly to see who had come to get us.

I imeadiatly relaxed, it wasn't our mother.

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