Chapter 14: Swimming lessons

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          I was too lazy to unpack anymore than I already had so I put on my bikini and went to the pool in the back yard. I had woken up at two in the afternoon, because of this I counted the day pretty much over with. The roasting early summer sun was perfect for getting a tan. I slid on my Ray Ban's and laid on my back by the pool.

       I felt a splash of water soak me from someone behind me. I gasped and looked up. Liam stood before me by the edge of the water. His soft, lush hair was dripping with water along with his tan, muscular body. His muddy eyes were squinted as result of the sun and his lips were curved in a hesitant smile that covered his teeth. I turned over onto my stomach and rested my chin on my hands, now eye level with a half naked British boy.

       "Well hello to you too." I said, pulling my sunglasses farther down on my nose and smiling. Liam's smirk widened into a grin as he put his hands on either side of my head and leaned his lips to my forehead. The kiss was short and sweet. A tingling and burning sensation occurred in the spot where he kissed me.

       "I like your Ray's." He said, pulling them away from my face and setting them on the bridge of his nose. "You look good in them." I said. He smirked; "You want them back?" I reached for them but he swam away. "Come get them." He said. I sat up and dangled my feet in the water. I frowned and crossed my arms. "Nahh.." I said. He gave me a quizzical look and swam back to me. I reached for the glasses but he pulled me in the water before I could wrap my fingers around their frame.

     The water was deep and cold. I sputtered and splashed my way to the surface, immediately latching on to Liam. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Woah, woah, woah. Can you not swim?" Liam asked with concern. I shook my head. "Not very well. There aren't a lot of places to swim in New York.." I still clung to Liam as he walked to shallower water. "Oh... I'm sorry." He said honestly.

      He unwrapped my arms and legs from him and set me on the edge of the pool, like a small child afraid to swim. He took my sunglasses off and gave them to me. "It's okay. You couldn't have known. I mean... I'm eighteen years old and can't swim more than a doggy paddle. That's pretty pathetic..." I replied, embarrassed. Liam smiled and stood in the pool, between my legs. "No it's not. I could teach you, you know. To swim." I blushed, I felt even more like a child.

     I hung my head and shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, Jasper. There's no need to be embarrassed. We can.... Do something else. Something other than swimming." I raised my head, meeting his eyes. I pushed him away from the edge of the pool and slipped my body into the cool, blue water. The chlorinated liquid only came up to my ribs. "Like what?" I slid my hands over Liam's shoulders and rested them on the base of his neck. He smirked and set his hands on the small of my dimpled back. "I dunno.... We could stay in the pool. Doesn't mean we have to swim."

       I raised my eye brows; "Oh?" I said, rewarded with a devilish grin from Liam. I pulled myself closer to him, so we were chest to chest. "Hey Liam?" I asked as we slowly began swaying in the water, his arms tightly around me and his chin resting on the top of my head. "Yeah?" He answered. "How did I end up in my bed this morn- I mean afternoon?"

"I carried you."


"Yeah.... You're a deep sleeper. You talk in your sleep too."

      Liam gave me a cheeky smirk. "What did I say?" Liam's smirk turned into a deep, taunting smile. "Leeeeyuum!" I whined, pushing him away and pressing my hands to my hips, glaring. "Oh nothing... Just.... You... Talk a lot about me. That's for sure." Liam's grin went back to a smirk and he gave me a wink. I gasped as I felt embarrassed heat go to my cheeks. I slowly backed away from him.

     Liam swooped down on me, holding me in a tight embrace and attacking my upper neck and cheek with wet kisses. "Ahh!" I giggled, gripping my arms around his middle. He smiled into the small pecks between my face and neck and his lips. They began to slow down as Liam left big, long kisses up the base of my neck to my jaw.

        I felt his warm tongue graze my neck in between soft kisses. Goosebumps popped up all over my neck and my shoulder as I dug my fingers into Liam's back. He kissed along my jaw. He was taking his time to get to my lips, aching for his. Liam crashed his lips to mine, making me shiver and my knees go weak. This kiss was forceful and hard, Liam wasted no time getting his tongue in my mouth.

      He pushed on the bottom of my spine, lifting me higher up to get closer to his lips. I flung my arms around his neck and stood on the tips of my toes. Liam pressed his hand on the back of my thighs, pushing my legs to wrap around his waist. Our lips were now level and they worked in perfect synchronization.

     Liam slowly carried me into deeper water. I pulled my lips away when the water got up to Liam's chest. It was five feet deep, I would have to stand on the tips of my toes to keep my head above water. I gave Liam a questioning look. He smiled, "Don't worry, I won't let you go." I was uneasy about trusting Liam but I gripped onto him tighter to see what he was going to do.

 "Ready for your first swimming lesson?"

He asked, grinning.


"I'll help you, I promise." He said, his face serious.

I gulped. "Well, okay...."

     The grin returned to Liam's face as he began a lecture on treading water. I had learned quickly and was going strong, so Liam decided to move on to the next lesson. "Okay, next I'll teach you how to- wait-" Liam stopped in midsentance and ran his finger across the mark on my ribs. "what's that? Did you get cut?"

    My stomach dropped and my heart raced. I didn't think he would notice my scars, they were too light. But he had and now I was screwed. "Ummm... I..... Umm" I studdered. "Bloody Hell, you have more!" Liam exclaimed, pulling my body out of the water and tracing my three other scars. "What the Hell happened?!" I tried to come up with a quick lie but nothing came to me. "They're birth marks!" I screamed, close to tears.

    Liam tightened his jaw and let me back into the water. By the look on his face I could tell that he knew that my statement was a lie, but once again he didn't question. I started to tread back to where I could touch but Liam grabbed me by the waist and hugged me from behind. I turned around and nuzzled his neck, setting my arms on his shoulders and leaving my hands on his back. He crossed his arms over my back and kissed my cheek.

    "You have a lot of secrets..... Don't you?" He asked. I felt like he already knew the answer, just like he knew that my scars were once cuts and not birth marks, or like he knew the reason why I was scared of his dominance. Either way, I didn't answer.

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