Chapter 8: Just a walk in the park

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        I had officially lost Niall and Harry so Liam walked me home. "When are you moving into my dad's house in L.A?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "My plane leaves tomorrow night, but most of my stuff is already there." I nodded in confirmation. He was going to get there before us. "You'll love the house, it's amazing!" I stated and began to describe the house in perfect detail.

       Some time had passed before I felt Liam's large fingers intertwine with mine, making me jump at his warm touch. He smirked at my uneasiness. "What time do you need to be home?" He asked when I was finished talking. "Ummm, my mom's locking the doors at one." Liam looked down at his phone. It was only eleven forty-five. "C'mon, we're going someplace fun." He said, pulling on my hand to go the opposite way of my mom's house.

        I was immediately afraid. I wasn't too keen on being taken random places with random people. Liam gave me a look and for the first time that day, I could see something in his eyes. Something that was telling me to trust him. I gave Liam a smile and continued to let him lead me. We had walked for only a few more minutes before we arrived at a large park, deserted due to the time of night. I had been here before, many times actually. I had made many memories here with Niall and Harry, my mom and Greg. And by the look on Liam's face, I was about to make another one. I twirled down the path leading farther into the park, forcing Liam to follow me.

         I hadn't known he was so close until I felt his warm hands on my hips and his breath on my neck. Liam pulled me close to his chest. He removed one hand from my hips to hold mine. We began swaying back and forth, my head on his shoulder. Liam smelled amazing, his cologne not too strong and not too weak. I breathed it in and closed my eyes.

        It had been awhile since I had been this close to someone. So close that you could feel your heartbeat intermix with yours, breathe in their scent as if it were pure oxygen. Liam's warmth enveloped me and filled my chest with longing. Longing for more of this mysterious boy. Fireworks were erupting in my stomach, yet I was perfectly relaxed and content in Liam's strong, protecting arms.

         He squeezed me gently to get my attention. I looked up to his dark puppy dog eyes. Liam removed one hand from my body and caressed my cheek, giving me a small smirk before leaning into my lips. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips met mine, causing my heart, stomach, and head to twirl and spin. Everything inside of me was over reacting and running at a fast pace, while the world and time seemed to slow down almost to a stop. The light kiss seemed to last forever. I explored Liam's soft, plump lips, enjoying every bit of them and how they matched up with mine so perfectly.

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