Chapter 19: twinning

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    My hair was straightened and my eyes were coated with light makeup. I wasn't sure what to expect for Liam and my date so I dressed casual. I wore my favorite gray Batman shirt, shorts, my blue high top Converse, and a lace white beanie. I opened my door and jumped.

    Liam stood, arm extended as if he were about to knock. "Well.. Hello there." I said, grinning and observing Liam's outfit. He now had more than just boxers on and his out fit reflected mine; casual. I was thankful for that. He was wearing red high top All Stars with his jeans tucked into them. He wore a light blue jacket that brought out his tan, I reached my hand out and unzipped it a little to expose the shirt underneath.

"Um.... Wow. We kinda-"  


     I   finished for Liam, admiring his white Batman tee. He grinned; "I like your shoes... And your shirt." He said. I rolled my eyes; "Dude! I like your's too! We must shop at the same store!" I said jokingly back. Liam's eyes crinkled up in an even bigger smile. I looked into his eyes and was suddenly embarrassed. It had been a crazy twenty four hours with Liam. He had seen more of me than I had wanted him to, but he looked unfazed.

    "I- um-" I studdered, fiddling with my thumbs; it was my nervous tick. Liam frowned and furrowed his eyebrows at what I was going to say. "It's really weird that we did this."I said, gesturing to my clothes and then his. He smirked; "No... It's not weird. It's..... I don't know. I guess we have more in common than we think we do." Liam said, shrugging and shoving his hands in his pockets. "Are you sure you don't want me to change?" Liam's frown returned. "No." He said firmly. "It's cute." He smiled once more and reached for my hand. I gave him a curious look, but smiled back. 'Weird..' I confirmed to myself. "Jump on my back." Liam commanded, lowering his body and bending his knees so my short self could wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

    "Are you sure you can carry me down two flights of stairs?" I felt the vibrations of his laugh on my chest. "Are you kidding..?! You're so light!" He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Niall always said I was heavy when I rode on his back. But that was probably because Niall and I were the same size. Liam carried me down the stairs and past the other boys' rooms.

    I heard a guitar being played and singing from Niall's room. "Woah, what's going on in there?" I asked Liam. "Um.. I'm guessing one of their little jam sessions. I skipped out on that today. I decided you were more important." I blushed at his compliment and was curious about the rest of his statement. "Jam sessions?" I asked Liam. "Well.. I'm not sure what to call it. But Zayn, Harry, Niall and I just kind of... Sing together. Niall and Harry play guitar too. We all sound pretty good together actually. But it sounds like it's missing something.. I'm just not sure what it is yet. We've only done it once."  

"Maybe you're just missing another person."  


  Liam said, lost in thought. He continued our journey through the kitchen and a separate room behind it to a door. I opened the door for Liam and he walked both of us through it and into a large garage. The garage held my black Camaro, my red Jeep, my fathers black Escalade, his red Lambourgini, his silver Porche, five dirt bikes, two blue Ducatis, and a golf cart.

   Liam set me down. "So... Which car to take?" Liam asked, eyeing his options. "My god, my dad's rich!" I said, rewarded with a snicker from Liam. "Well... Your dad said that I could drive the Porche while I lived here. If I was careful with it..." I grinned. The Porche was amazingly fun to drive or ride in. "Let's take that one then!" I said excitedly. Liam reflected my grin and grabbed the keys from an unknown place my father had hidden them in.

    The drive was short, Liam held my hand the whole time. We arrived at a small, cute restaurant that wasn't very busy. A rich, heavy, delicious odor radiated from the petite building. The smell of home cooked food made my mouth water in anticipation. We were seated on an outside patio behind the building. The two of us sat at a table that was small and wobbly but it brought Liam closer, leaving me without complaint.  

   Liam reached to a plant beside him and plucked a small flower from it's stem. He tucked it above my ear, tangled in my hair. It was a beautiful blue blossom. It's petals we're blue in the center, fading into white along the edges. Liam smiled. "Beautiful." Was all that he said. "It is, isn't it?" I replied, running a finger gently over the plant in my hair. Liam chuckled, his smile deepening. "I meant you.." He said.

   I blushed and smacked myself in the forehead. "Oh my I'm blonde.. But... Thanks.." I said, my cheeks reddening even more and shrugging. Liam reached across the table and wrapped his hand around mine and gave it a squeeze. "You're blonde moments are adorable. So are you." Liam looked me in the eyes intensely and smirked. My cheeks flooded with heat and I looked down at the table. "Jasper, look at me. You blushing is adorable too. I don't want to miss it." My cheeks were flushed once more and I looked up at Liam. He grinned and moved his hand to my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

    He leaned over the table casually. I followed suit, meeting Liam in the middle for a kiss. Our lips met and my heart jumped. I closed my eyes and pressed myself to Liam's lips urgently. Liam intertwined our fingers on both hands and moved his mouth slightly. His lips surrounded my bottom one and he sucked it gently. I squeezed Liam's hands and he moved his lips again. His tongue went over my lips and slipped into my mouth, tangling with mine.  

   "Umm.. Should I come back later..?" I felt Liam pulling away from me and I opened my eyes. Our waitress stood hesitantly before us, looking somewhat bashful. Liam gave her an embarrassed smirk and looked at me. I blushed and she laughed. "Don't worry, I wasn't here the whole time." I gave her a smirk and decided I liked her.

    Liam chuckled also and continued staring at me. "So.. What drinks could I get you?" She asked, giving each of us a friendly look. She was a very pretty girl, dark brown hair, electric green eyes. She looked about my age and I could already tell that she would be a great friend. "I would like a tea please." I replied, smiling. Liam ordered and the girl left. "Well, she seemed really nice." I said with a small smile. "I guess, I wasn't paying much attention." I blushed, aware of his staring. We received our drinks and I thanked the girl.

   "How many tattoos do you have..?" I asked Liam. He pulled up his sleeves. I reached for his arm and ran my fingers over the four chevron arrows on his forearm. I enjoyed the heat of his skin on mine. I moved my hand to his other arm. "Everything I ever wanted but nothing I'll ever need." I said aloud, tracing the cursive writing inked on Liam's skin. He gave me a small smile. I noticed something else tattooed on the chevron arm. "Only time will tell." I recited, quoting the small inscription on his wrist. 

   I unzipped Liam's jacket and pulled the sleeve down, exposing the small numeral tattoo on his upper arm. His face paled and his muscles tensed. "What does this one mean?" I asked, playing dumb. Liam opened his mouth to speak, avoiding my eyes. "I-um.. Well it.." He studdered. I was on the edge of my seat, anxious for his answer. "Well it means-"  

"Can I get your order?" The waitress asked, interrupting Liam. He stole his chance to cover his tattoo and change the subject. 'Damn' it...' I thought angrily. 'So close...' That was the second time that had happened.

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