Chapter 27: Social Mask

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         I stood awkwardly by the maze of food tables after my father had shooed me from his side to retrieve a glass of scotch for him. I knew he just wanted to get rid of me. 

        Me being his "date" was never the social mask that my father liked to wear. But I was his puppet most times, used to be introduced and bragged (even though most of the stories were lies) about, earning my father royal attention. 

       I retrieved the glass holding the stinging drink and carefully walked back to my dad. I wished I could just be like Niall, a people pleaser. The kind of person that everyone liked. That's who my dad wanted me to be. I looked over to my brother; laughing and socializing with our father's clients.  

If only I was Niall.  

 "Here you go, Daddy." I said in the sweetest, most innocent voice I could muster, also putting on a disguise for the pleasure of other people.  

      My father took the glass. He gave me a cold smile, warm and fatherly to the untrained eye. But it was all a show.  

      I stood by his side, smiling and giggling when it seemed necessary to the conversation he was carrying to the willing audience gathered in front of him. Frowning also. It was all terribly awkward. Soon, the crowd in front of my father dissipated into just the two of us. 

      I let out a deep breath, allowing myself to slouch a bit. Dad didn't need me anymore so I started to slowly walk away. I was hoping to find one of the boys.  

 "Jasper. Dance with me."  My father's harsh Irish whisper pierced my ears. The statement wasn't a request, that only meant one thing: lecture time.  

      I sighed and inwardly groaned as the mysterious Bobby Horan drug me onto the crowded dance floor.  

 "What could it be that's going on with you and that Liam boy?"My dad harshly spat in a hush.  

     You wouldn't have expected the question to be said by him if you had seen his face; smiling and happy. As if he were actually having fun at this dumb ball.  

     I gulped and put on a confused face: "What do you mean, dad?" I innocently asked.

"It seems as if you've spent a good amount of time with him."

      His accent rang in my ears as his question bounced around my head. How would he know? I thought. He's never around!

        I had to think of an answer- quick. It was difficult. I didn't even know what was going on with Liam and me. Just as I was about to spit out yet another bullshit response, Bobby hit me with another question.

"Where has he been the past few days, anyways?" My dad asked curiously.

        I don't know, Dad. No one knows. I sadly replied to him in a thought.

"Visiting family."  I actually responded, using the excuse Liam gave to me.  

       I was really starting to miss him. Not even just now starting. I missed Liam the minute I realized he was gone. I hoped he wasn't in trouble, I hated to admit it but I needed him back. I didn't even get to say goodbye...  Sadness weighed down my heart and sent tears budding at the corners of my eyes.

"I don't want you getting too into that boy." 

      My dad awoke me from my daydream.

"I like him. But he's not.... our type of person." My father stated, disgust shrouding his words.  

       Was he saying that Liam wasn't fancy enough or fake enough for me to be with? What a bastard... And now another person that doesn't approve of him. Just what did Liam do to piss everyone off? 

        Just as I was about to respond, my father seemed to get distracted my some one behind me.

"Speaking of our type of person," He started, retracting his hands from the positions of the waltz we were performing.

"I would like you to meet someone."

        I turned around slowly, facing a tall brunette with rich blue eyes, paler than Niall's and mine, but still beautiful. He walked right up to me and extended a hand towards me.


         He greeted in a British accent with a small smirk of amusement at my startled behavior.

"I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

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