Chapter 23: Asked him to stay

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      Mysterious chocolate eyes bore deeply into my rich blue ones. Liam intertwined our fingers and gave me a small smirk. I felt my heart flutter and sink in my chest. Nothing else existed. Nothing else mattered. There was nothing but Liam; his eyes, the heat of his skin enveloping mine. The two of us lay close together, facing each other, in my bed. I smiled at the bruised boy before me and thought of what Niall had said earlier.

*Flashback from earlier that day*

'Well.... Last night I heard you screaming, like I always do.' Our conversation replayed in my mind. 'Yeah?' I had replied. 'Well I ran up the stairs but stopped when I saw Liam run past me and into your room. He didn't see me so I crouched down to see what he was going to do. Liam ran to you and just......' Niall stopped and furrowed his brow. 'Just what, Niall?' I had said. 'He just.... Held your hand and... And started talking to you. And- and it worked.' Niall relaxed his face and looked up at me. 'It worked, Jasper. You calmed down and then asked HIM to stay. You didn't say my name... Or Harry's.' I gasped and took it all in. That had never happened before. Niall was the only one who could calm my terrors. Harry had done it once, but that was after multiple tries. Liam had actually done it...

    My trust in Liam was full now. Niall and I had gotten out of our hiding place to find him perched on my bed, face swollen and eyes confused. Niall excused himself as I went over to Liam.

    He cradled his purpling jaw in his hand, pressing ice to the effected lump on his face. I sat by Liam and wrapped my arms around him. I placed my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. He stared off into space, lost in thought. I moved behind Liam and pressed my body to his back.

    I had him between my legs with my hands resting over his steady heart. I inhaled his scent and pressed my cheek to the back f his shoulder. Liam let the bag of ice fall into his lap. He grabbed my hands and rubbed circles into them.

Eventually, Liam sighed and moved his hands to the laces on my Chucks. He undid them and pulled the shoes off of my feet. Liam stood up from me and kicked his shoes off, moving himself to the head of the bed. I moved to him and laid down next to him. All in silence.

And that's how we stayed.



So silent I could hear my heart thump every time he would smile.

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