Chapter 5: Angry Vibes

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        I felt like I was going to faint. The 13 1/2 tattoo meant deep trouble. It was a tattoo that you earned from doing time in Prison or Jail, or just going to court. I'm not sure why this scared me so much, maybe it had to do with why Niall gets hysterical when he gets in trouble, or maybe it had to do with my scars...

     But whatever the reason, that tattoo meant that Liam had gotten in three times more trouble, or more, than Niall and I ever had. And that included my short time in Juvie. Niall and Harry stopped jumping and I was snapped back into reality.

"Oh," Niall said, stepping to my side so Liam could see me fully. "this is my sister-"


     Liam finished for Niall in a breathy tone. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. He looked up with those deep chocolate eyes and gave me a wink. I blushed heavily as I felt Niall tense up beside me. I blushed twice as hard, now alarmed with the fact that Niall felt protective over me. Harry's jaw tightened. 'What...? Harry too?' I thought. These boys usually weren't so defensive. Liam really must be trouble then... The back of my hand stung and heated up where Liam had kissed it. He hadn't let go of my hand yet and his grip on it frightened me. He was so forceful and his hands were so big.

        "There's a party at Josh's place if you guys were willing to go." Liam said, breaking the silence and straightening up, his hand still wrapped around mine. He looked at Harry and Niall as if it were no big deal that he was holding my hand. I looked back at Niall with panicked eyes. "No, we can't." Niall spat harshly, all playfulness gone from his blue eyes that had turned darker in anger. Harry and Niall stepped in front of me, forcing Liam to let go of my hand. Liam's eyes narrowed and he stepped up to his full height. It was almost as if he were challenging the boys in front of me. Absolute terror filled my chest. Liam's eyes glared into me with dominance. I shrunk behind Harry.

     The warm, pre-summer air was filled with silence and angry vibes. Everything was awkward until Harry gave Liam a smile and a daring pat on the back; "Sorry mate! These twins just got arrested yesterday! And we have to leave early tomorrow." Harry laughed, obviously trying to brighten up the tense situation. Liam gave Niall one last glare and turned to Harry. "Oh yeah! Trespassing, wasn't it? Well if you still wanted to come by, it wasn't supposed to get too crazy." Liam said with a small smile, returning back to his enlightened mood.

      Harry declined again and rushed the three of us out of the conversation quickly. Niall grabbed my arm and dragged me across the parking lot, Harry leading the way. I took one last look at the frightening criminal. Liam's face was unreadable. He watched me walk away with pained eyes, like he regretted something.

     "God damn' it Harry!" Niall yelled as we drove back to the house. Harry gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. "I know, Niall. I was worried that was going to happen...." I slumped down in the back seat in silence, despite my confusion. Niall and Harry were angry and asking them questions wasn't going to help anything. I looked out the window and tried to enjoy the Ireland landscape, thinking about Liam's tattoo. Twelve jurers, one judge, and a fifty percent chance you get out of there alive. That's what the tattoo meant. But what the Hell did that mean for Liam..?

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