Chapter 2: Curly to the rescue

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     "Hazza!" I yelped with joy, ecstatic that it was Harry and not my angry mother who was bailing us out. The tall curly headed boy gave me a grin, showing his deep dimples. Niall jumped up from his seat and greeted Harry also, giving him a high five and a fist bump through the bars.

     "Aye!" Yelled a gruff voice distantly. "What do you think yer doin with those hooligans?!" The red faced police man said with a deep Irish accent, walking swiftly over to Harry. Harry's smile disappeared and his brow furrowed. "I'm here to pick up the Horan twins. Their mother already sent bail." Harry said with his raspy British accent, towering over the short, heavy set man.

    The police officer rested his hands on his belt and gave Harry a disapproving glare. He then walked over his desk to make sure the British boy was telling the truth. We were soon released and walked across the parking lot to Harry's car. Harry was happy to see us, it had been awhile since he went back home for a month.

    I sat in the passenger seat and turned to my right towards my driving friend. "How was home, Haz?" I said with a smile. "Great! My mum and Gemma say hi." He said, eyes on the road ahead. "How was getting arrested?" Harry questioned back. I smiled with guilt as Niall stayed silent and stared sadly out the window. "They were more mean this time." I said. "Same as what mum's going to be..." Niall mumbled. I rolled my eyes. Harry smiled. "If I were you, Jasper, I wouldn't be rolling my eyes. Your mum's PISSED!" My smirk faded and my shoulders slumped. 'God damn you Harry! Why do you have to be so honest!' I cursed at him with my thoughts. Niall and I had been best friends with Harry ever since he ended up going to the same boarding school with Niall when they were five. He was always my big brother, even though I was older. Harry often joined our mischief but backed out when it got illegal, not that I blame him.

    My heart sank as we stopped in front of my mom and stepdad's house. I drug my feet up the walk, to the door, and inside, dreading the lecture I was about to get. My mom stood menacingly in the doorway. Arms crossed, eyes narrowed, lips twisted in an angry grimace; she was furious. Harry quickly snuck into the other room, successfully avoiding my mothers rage. Niall and I barely got into the house before she started yelling.

This was all so much easier with my dad.....

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