Chapter 11: Nightmares and giggles

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         "Jasper! Jaaaaaasperrr!" I was awoken from my nightmare by a familiar Irish boy, calling my name with worry. I jumped and pushed away my aviators. The sky had darkened into night time and the plane was lit up by only small, dim lights above each seat. "Was I talking in my sleep again?" I asked Niall. "More like screaming. And thrashing..... Was it... Was it that dream-" I cut him off; "Nightmare. And yeah, it was. But it was different this time." We sat in silence for a short while after Niall nodded. "Did I wake you up?" I asked after realizing Harry and my father were asleep.

"Yeah... But it's okay, Jas."

"Sorry, Nialler."

         I mumbled. It usually took much more than screaming and thrashing to wake Niall up, and it usually took much more than my name to wake me up. But Niall and I had a weird connection, we were attached in a way. We knew things about each other that no one else in the world did, not even Harry. Most of it was learned just by observation or because we were so alike. I just assumed that it was a twin thing.

     "Hey Jasper?" Niall whispered, breaking the silence. "Yeah Niall?" I asked. "What happened between you and Liam?" Niall looked down at his hands. At first I was angry but I then realized Niall was seriously asking. I smirked a little and blushed. Niall looked up, reflecting my smile as if he could sense mine. "What was it, Jasper?" He said, grinning at my embarrassment and reaching down to tickle the truth out of me. "Stop! Niall stop!" I said in a screamed whisper.

     "We kissed! We kissed!" I said breathlessly in between giggles. Niall stopped torturing me with my ticklishness. "You did?! You little slut!" He said, punching me in the shoulder playfully. I gasped mockingly; "You would call me a slut?!" Niall giggled as I continued my cherade. "How dare you!" I said in mock anger. The two of us giggled furiously behind our hands like children. Finally we settled down and Niall took a deep breath and held his stomach. "Is that really all that happened?" He asked earnestly, looking into my eyes for the truth.

    "Yeah.... Does he really know anything? He didn't act like it. And he was really nice too." Niall answered with honesty, I could see it in his ocean storm eyes; "I- I'm not sure if he does know anything.... But he brings things up sometimes. I don't think he'd hurt us or...... Or tell, but- yeah. I don't know." Niall shrugged and looked away. "You know," He started, looking back at me with curiosity in his eyes. "you say he's nice now but- but back at the school you seemed..... Terrified. Terrified of him." Niall's brow was furrowed. "The whole situation doesn't seem right.... Liam is really nice and he's one of my best mates but..."

"But what Niall?"

"But that look on your face when he grabbed your hand... Your eyes all wide, lips tightened and such.... I hadn't seen that look since that night... In the alleyway. When those guys and..... And Rick-"

"Stop..... Please, Niall. Don't talk about it."

         I had my head in my hands, it was pounding with the flood of memories coming back to me. I forced tears back that pressured my eyes and memories to the back of my mind again. I collected myself and looked up at Niall. His large fingers made a fist so tight that his knuckles were white. He gritted his teeth together before finally sighing and loosening himself. "Jasper..." Niall whispered, his accent making it barely audible. "Just tell me something."


"Why were you so scared of Liam yesterday?"

       Niall asked. I was lost for words and silence hung in the air as I tried to find the right ones to use. "I saw his tattoo.... " Niall nodded. He knew me well enough to know that I wouldn't have been that frightened of a tattoo, not simply that anyways. Niall knew that it was something deeper than that but asked for no explanation.

      I yawned, "What time is it?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Before I came over to you it was midnight but we're going through time zones and stuff, so I'm not quite sure. But we get to New York in about two hours." I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Niall yawned but seemed too tired to move so a shared my blanket with him. He reclined his seat and I laid down in my previous position with my legs across Niall's lap. "Good morning, Niall." I said, yawning once more. I was replied with a snicker; "Yeah, okay, Jasper." I looked out the window with drowsiness as my brother began to snore softly. The hum of the jet engines slowly carried me back into sleep.

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