Chapter 10: Hung over

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     I leaned my head against the jet plane window, watching the puffs of clouds go by my view. I had a headache- not quite a hangover- and tried to cure it with some water and my Ray Ban's. I had gotten pretty lazy that morning; sticking with sweatpants, one of Niall's hoodies, my favorite gray beanie and my blue Era Vans.

    I laid across two seats, separated from Niall and Harry. I had gotten a major lecture the night before and finally, after getting frustrated with their pointless bickering, I told them to 'fuck off'. I then got a lecture from my mom and my dad, making the whole situation ten times worse. I had tried to explain to the the boys that Liam knew nothing. Or at least he didn't show it. And even if he did know something, why couldn't I hang out with him?

    I brought this point up several times during my argument between my twin and my best friend, but they still didn't listen. I was starting to think that THEY knew something they weren't supposed to. The whole matter angered and confused me; I was older than both of the boys and they still treated me like a small child. I started to drift off to sleep like a rowboat on the ocean......

    "Jasper! Jasper!" Liam ran to me with out stretched arms and a grin on his face. He kissed my forehead as we hugged in silence. "Jasper, you're so beautiful. Sooooo beautiful." Liam looked into my eyes as the romantic, happy go lucky scene turned erriee and grim. Liam's loving expression shifted into a obsessive, blood thirsty grimace. His twisted Chesire Cat grin sent shivers down my back as I tried to pull away.

    Liam held me tighter, his murderous facial expression sending warm terror into the back of my throat. "Liam..." I gasped, trying to push the now menacing boy away from me. Liam picked me up and started to walk towards a dark ally way between an old tavern and a dark pharmacy. I knew the place. Very well. I tried to scream for help, for my life. But all that rang through the air was silence. Deep, terrorizing, ringing silence.

    Liam was rough and deadly. He threw me on the ground and drew a switchblade from some mysterious place in his pocket. My breath caught in my throat. This had happened before. This was how I had gotten my scars. Liam lifted my shirt and began to cut on my body. I was frozen in place, unable to move. Liam reopened every one of the scars I had received such a long time ago. The one on my right hip bone, the largest, the one on my left rib cage, the one across my belly button and then the one just under my collar bone, the smallest one. I was finally able to scream and cry out, but there was no one to hear me. My blood surrounded me in a dark, sticky puddle as my eye sight began to fade into darkness while my body went numb....

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