Chapter 18: Date night

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    "Hmmmm... Jasper. What?" I grumbled. Rubbing my eyes and looking up at Jasper who had been shaking me awake. She had changed her clothes and her hair was smoothed and brushed. She sat on her knees and looked down to me, laying shirtless in her bed. She combed her fingers through my hair and pushed it back.

    She smiled at me and left her hand on the side of my face. "Good afternoon." She said, her gorgeous smile fully awakening me. I frowned. "Afternoon..?" I asked, stroking her tiny hand and pulling it away from my face to kiss it. "Yeah... It's one thirty..." She shrugged as an embarrassed look flashed across her face and she pulled her hand away from mine. I stretched and sat up. I never slept in this late... Never.

   Jasper turned away from me and turned on her T.V, crossing her legs and flipping through channels intently. She chewed on the inside of her lip and furrowed her eyebrows, her complete attention on what was on the television. She was so adorable when she was lost in thought. I moved my body towards her in one smooth motion and nuzzled my head into her neck, hugging around her middle. I pulled her closer to me but she did not relax. She did not giggle or sigh with pleasure. Jasper just pushed me away from her and distanced the space between us.

   "No, Liam." Was all she said, crossing her arms and avoiding my gaze. Confusion rushed over me. I once again moved my body towards her but did not touch her. I sat by the breath taking girl and admired all of her beauty, staring purposefully so that she would have to stop ignoring me sooner or later. "What's wrong?" I asked, reaching out to rub her knee. "Why are you in my bed?" Jasper turned to me and raised her eyebrows, she already knew the answer. I could see it in her eyes.

"Well... I heard you-"

"You should've just let Niall come if it was bothering you that much.He would've woken me up, you didn't have to come in my bed."

    She turned her head and looked down at her hands. "Well you we're screaming. I thought you were being hurt..." Jasper's face paled and her hands started shaking. "I came to calm you down." I continued. "And.. And it worked. I tried to leave, but you wouldn't let me." Jasper's body slumped in surprise. "It actually worked? What did you say?" She turned towards me.

    I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean..? Do you have night terrors like that often? Tell me what's going on, Jasper." I kept my voice quiet and open, hoping she'd talk to me. "Yeah.... They happen a lot... But something... Stressing usually has to happen before the night terrors do. They always happen with the same nightmare too... Usually Niall is the only one that can wake me up or calm me down."

     Jasper sniffled and wiped her eyes. I pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek, shooing the tears away. "What's the nightmare..?" I asked, out stretching my arms for her to fall into. Jasper's body was limp, as if she were exhausted. She met her head with my chest and her arms around my rib cage.

     I pulled her into my lap and tightened my arms protectively around the frightened beauty. "I-I can't tell you..." She whimpered, burying her face in my bare chest. I stroked her hair and held her even tighter, setting my chin on her head and running my fingers up and down her spine. I knew that relaxed her. "It's okay.." Was all I said.

    So there it was. Another secret that I needed to fully uncover. It was silent for a long time. I just rocked her, attempting to keep her tears away. "Jasper...." She didn't answer but I knew she was listening. "Was the stress that caused the nightmare from-"


She said, cutting me off. My stomach dropped... Last night when I refused to sleep with her. I caused this. I was instantly struck with guilt. "Oh shit... Jasper, I'm so.... So sorry."

"Don't be.. It was my fault too...." I didn't know what to say.

"No it's-" She cut me off once more.

"Yes... It was."

  I didn't bother to protest any longer. Silence once again filled the air. Jasper's eyes were shut tightly and she shook violently. "Liam..?" Her voice shook with oncoming tears.

"Yes, love?"

"Last night... I honestly didn't know what to expect. And... And that's not what I wanted from you."

She gulped, I could hear her forcing back tears. It showed in her unsteady voice. "Shhhhh.... It's okay darling... It's okay." I continued to rock her. I kissed her forehead and all over her face, leaving soft, light kisses wherever Jasper's tears fell.

"Liam.." She started once again.

"Yes, beautiful?"

"Thank you." I planted a short kiss on her trembling lips.

"I would do anything for you. You're.... Irresistible." Her breathing slowed and she finally relaxed.

   I stopped rocking and she sat up and wiped her tears away. "Jasper?" She looked up at me with her crystal blue eyes, even more vivid now considering they were bloodshot. "Can I take you out tonight?" She frowned. "C'mon. Please?" The lowered corners of her mouth twitched with an oncoming smile. "Sure. But can you get dressed first..? You're kinda.... In your underwear." I reflected her grin. "What..? Not enjoying the view?" I replied with a wink.

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