Chapter 6: What a day

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     Niall and Harry calmed down, but they refused to talk to me and tell me what was going on. I sat through awkward family conversations until Harry cornered me in the kitchen. "We're going to that party tonight." He started, pushing me all the way onto the fridge. He got even closer so no one would hear; "Don't go near Liam. Trust me on this one, Jas. He's up to something. We just need to find out what it is." I was dumbstruck.

     'Up to what?' I had just met this boy and he was already scaring and confusing me. And then it struck me. Liam knew something. Something about that night in the ally way.... That night when I received my scars.... Harry saw the realization in my crystal clear blue eyes, "Is it something to do with...." Harry instantly knew what I was referring too and nodded. My heart sank to my stomach and I gripped Harry's biceps as my knees grew weak. "Oh no..." I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. No one could know about that night. No one.

      Harry steadied me and wiped the tears away from my eyes. "It'll be okay, Liam's our friend. If he knows something about it, he won't tell anyone else. But Liam's determined and stubborn, he wants the truth. That's why he was so forward with you today. He can't get anything out of Niall or me. But he thinks he can get the full story out of you." Once again, I was dumbstruck. First this mysterious character was just staring, then he became very friendly, now he knows my deepest, darkest secret and he's willing to do anything for me to admit to it.

Oh wow. What a day.

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