𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 21

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♬ Like, I want you, bless my soul
And I ain't gotta tell him
I think he knows ♬

Fernando Alonso POV

We returned the motorhome and put in our request for our personalized home for next year, getting exclusive access to the luxury motorhome they were releasing in 2023 with double pop-outs to give us double the space, 75m2 to be exact which is very good.

I said my goodbyes, kissing her forehead and telling her to call me if she needed anything. I entered the paddock on Thursday, and I did the press conference before heading to some reunions Alpine had planned, the strategy for the weekend was discussed, and I went to Aston Martin as soon as it ended.

"Look who it is!" Sebastian says excitedly as he is at one of the tables outside with Lance, and I join them.

"How are you doing?" I ask as I drink a bit more of my water.

"I am doing great, Lance was telling me how you were with Cassie this past weekend apparently," Seb says, and I laugh; gossip is crazy here.

"It was a coincidence; don't read much into it," I warn them calmly and they chuckle.

"Just admit it, why are you both secretly dating when everyone is rooting for you two," Lance says as he takes his phone out.

"Mind your own business pretty boy," Cassie's voice is heard and I try not to laugh as she seats in the free chair.

"Stunning as always cariño," I joke and she laughs.

"Flirty as always bebé," she retorts smugly, and I laugh.

"Your pretty boy is spreading the rumor about us being supposedly together this weekend, even if we found each other on accident as I have stated," I inform her, which makes her look at Lance and cross her arms, waiting for an explanation.

"We just wanted you two to admit it, but it is what it is," Lance says as disappointment fills his and Sebastian's face.

"Admit what? I told you i just happened to find him, it's not that big of a deal, we were in the same room together, we will have to do it a lot from now on, thanks to Sebastian."

"Thank me later," Sebastian says proudly and I try not to laugh. I think I really will have to thank him sooner or later.

Weeks went by, and we were now waiting for the doctor to enter the room for the ultrasound to be done; we left after the Brasilian Grand Prix and stopped in Spain before going to Abu Dhabi; this would be our first time listening to his heartbeat, my first time seeing an ultrasound personally and we could potentially find out the gender so I was a wreck to be fair.

The doctor entered the room, and I instinctively held Cassandra's hand, and no complaint was heard.

"Amazing results in Brasil, my husband is so mad about your move to Aston Martin, but I told him to wait and see," she comments after the small talk ends, and we laugh as she sits down.

The room was silent until a quick heartbeat was heard, and I think my heart stopped as I looked at the screen, this is our baby. 

"A very healthy baby. Do you want to know the gender? The position the baby s in completely allows us to see the gender or I could write it down for a possible gender reveal," she says and I look at Cassandra.

"We will do a gender reveal in Abu Dhabi, I would like it to be a surprise for everyone," Cassie says and she nods.

"I will write it down and you can give it to someone you trust. It's a completely healthy baby, I see no reason for you to worry, the size, the heartbeat, it's all very within as expected," she informs us cheerfully and Cass smiles while looking at me.

I could only smile back before I kissed her forehead. The doctor gave her some more advices but we were all set to go in 15 minutes, the next ultrasound was scheduled to happen before Christmas, and we went to the airport, where our families waited for us. We would all be on a flight to Abu Dhabi later in the day, and that's where we are heading now; she went to get more clothes at her apartment in Madrid, and we went to the airport.

We entered the private jet I had waiting for us, and everyone questioned about the ultrasound. My apartment in Abu Dhabi is more than enough for both families; only close family is here, so it's fine. My parents would stay in one room, hers in another, and her brother in the other bedroom. 

My sister would arrive on Saturday morning since the kids have school and she would fill the two remaining bedrooms. Cassandra agreed we could stay in the same room so everyone is less cramped out, which is impossible with the size of the apartment in itself. I mean, a 6-bedroom apartment has to be big.

Cassandra took care of the gender reveal party all alone, she said it would be from Saturday to Sunday so we could celebrate the end of the season with people. We are also telling Lawrence about the pregnancy on Thursday after I did the interviews, which I am almost finishing up, and so is Lance as Cassandra stands by his side, the oversized Aston Martin shirt still not catching anyone's attention to a possible pregnancy.

She has a little bump. I've grown to notice how it gets slightly bigger by the day, but the truth is that I know she is pregnant; people won't notice it with the Aston shirt on, and she always wears it on the paddock.

"I will leave you on your own for a while, I need to talk to your dad. Keep your mouth shut, please," Cassie warns him as they leave the media pen, and I follow closely behind. 

"I am going to Aston now, thank you," I inform the team member who accompanied me, and she nods before going Alpine's way.

"Ready?" Cassie asks me as we enter Aston's hospitality, and I nod.

"Couldn't be more ready," I say confidently. I don't think there will be a problem. We walked until we reached Lawrence's office, and we knocked on the door before he opened it in a few seconds.

"Okay, this is surprising. Is this your last attempt at a manifestation against working together?" He asks jokingly, and everyone laughs; I think this will be just fine.

Tú Y Yo ღ Fernando AlonsoWhere stories live. Discover now