𝓢2: 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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I have been graduated for 4 years now and I am a successful Child psychologist with a practice of my own. My friends have also settled well into their own careers and we all met whenever we could, because Raha was an Industrial psychologist and she had to fly frequently, it was really difficult for all 6 of us to be present at the same time but when we met we all forgot that we are psychologists and we behaved crazy like we ourselves are in need of therapy. It has been 5 years since I last saw him or heard from him and I can pretty much say that I have moved on from him.

Today I had a very important conference. I wore a simple saree and I was looking hot to say the least. I was also speaking on Child psychology in front of all the world specialists in my field. You all might think that since now I am a big shot, I might have become an extrovert and I wanted to prove you all right but god I was still the biggest introvert. I was sweating and pacing in my hotel room just a few minutes before my conference because I was still very nervous to speak in front of huge crowds or to even go in front of them, then there also comes a time where I forget everything I was going to say due to the piercing gaze of the audience.

The moment my speech arrived, I began it by addressing that children can experience trauma as a result of various adverse events and circumstances. Trauma can have significant and long-lasting effects on a child's emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. These are a few typical reasons why kids experience trauma:

⋄ Abuse:

Physical abuse is the infliction of damage or injury to the body.

Constant rejection, humiliation, or criticism is considered emotional abuse.

Inappropriate or non-consensual sexual experiences are considered sexual abuse.

⋄ Neglect:

Physical neglect: Not giving enough clothing, food, shelter, or medical attention.

Absence of emotional support, care, or affirmation is known as emotional neglect.

⋄ Family Dysfunction:

Domestic violence: Exposure to violence between caregivers.

Parental mental health issues: Living with a caregiver who struggles with mental health disorders.

⋄ Loss and Grief:

A loved one's passing loss of a close relative, parent, or sibling.

Divorce or separation: Children may experience trauma if their family is disrupted.

⋄ School-related Trauma:

Being teased or rejected by peers.

Intimidation or excessive strain in the classroom.

⋄ Cultural and Societal Factors:

Racism or discrimination.

Forced relocation or stress associated with immigration.

These were the most common cases of trauma that I have come across. Overcoming trauma in children often requires a comprehensive and supportive approach. It's crucial to involve mental health professionals, caregivers, and the community to create a healing environment. Some methods to overcome these trauma are:

⋄ Therapeutic Interventions:

Play therapy is a particularly useful tool for younger kids since it gives them a platform to express themselves and make sense of the world around them.

⋄ Building a Supportive Environment:

Stable Relationships: Encourage wholesome and steady bonds with family, friends, and other adults who provide support.

Positive Role Models: Encircle the child with supportive and guiding positive role models.

⋄ Empowerment and Resilience-Building:

Promote Expression: Permit the child to use writing, art, or other creative mediums to communicate their emotions.

Strengths-Based Methodology: Pay attention to the child's resiliency and qualities instead of just the painful event.

⋄ Trauma-Informed Schools and Communities:

Training for Teachers: To establish secure and encouraging settings, train teachers and community members in trauma-informed practices.

Peer Support Programs: To encourage healthy social relationships, set up peer support programs.

These are some ways to ensure the safety of children so that they can overcome traumas that they have suffered easily. We as psychologists are always available at your disposal to help you and your children. Thank you.

After ending my talk, I went back to my position. Soon the event came to an end after various speakers presented their concerns in other fields of mental health and care. Just as I was exiting the conference hall, I saw a person walking towards me. That person was congratulating every speaker and now he was heading his way to congratulate me. I remembered a poem which my friend always recited whenever we were in college and I came across him,

I was over him I told my friends, but then I saw him walking down the stairs.

The shirt, the pants, the glasses he wears Oh god he is the hottest man.

Shit I was over him already I told myself, you can't, his eyes screamed walking down the stairs.

***This poem was written for him by my dearest friend Mahek.***

Yeah yeah, you all guessed it right. The devil of my life was back and guess what he was more handsome, more mature and radiated an aura which attracted every girl. Was I really over him? Self doubt creeped its way into my mind and I acted as if I didn't recognize the handsome devil. He made his way towards me and said, "Hi, congratulations I was really impressed with your talk, I guess you have grown up to become a great psychologist." I was annoyed with his statement and replied, "Thank you so much, but I am sorry I don't recognize you." He laughed because even he knew it really well that his face was not something I could forget but he played my game and said, "Oh sorry where are my manners? I am Harshit Tiwari, the event manager of the conference and I think you don't remember it well but we studied in the same college."

I acted as if suddenly a light bolt struck my brain and I remembered who he is so I casually replied, "Oh yeah yeah now I do remember, you were a senior right and you were in BAMMC department. I do remember now." "So you became a world famous psychologist ha?" "Yeah, following passions and all. By the way, I am so sorry but I need to take your leave, it's already late and I have to reach home." "Oh I am so sorry for holding you up, let's catch up someday." "Yeah sure." After giving my reply, I made my way to the exit. I soon realized that it was late in the night and getting a cab was next to impossible. I tried booking a cab from Ola and Uber but it was not available. I called my assistant and told her to come with a cab but she informed me that she had already reached home and getting a cab was now impossible, she also suggested that I book a room in the hotel and spend my night there.


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This is my first story so forgive me if there are any errors.

Hope you like it and share it with maximum people.

Thank you for all the support and love. ❤️❤️

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