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"What happened, you seem tense?"
Mom said,while sitting behind me on the couch where I was doing my work.

"My teacher gave me research project."
I annoyingly babbled.

She asked.

"Captain Kim."
I gritted my teeths.

"There's no fucking, information about him at any place, then how I'm supposed to do research on him? Like, bro I was not even born in his era then how, how on this earth I can make report on him?"
I cried.

"Hmm, there's no as such information about him."
She repeated as me.

I insisted.

"How about, if you were with him, in the same era?"
She questioned, I was confused.

I asked.

"You can."
She stated, making me puzzled.

"Whatever, it's not like a fairy will come and send me to another timeline of the planet. Let it be, I'm already so done with this, I'm going to watch my drama."
I gathered my papers and stood up from couch to get on my way, when I heard she said.

"Time machine."
She acclaimed.

I turned around.

"You know, your dad was scientist?"
She asked and I nodded.

"He had made time machine, through his knowledge, let me show it, to you, today."
She said and took me the store room, which she used to forbidden me to go inside.

"Go get your bag ready, essential for making notes."
She asked me.

I immediately packed my stuff, my phone, charge, batteries, camera, diary, journal, book, papers, instant packets of ramen, moisturizer, sun screen, lip balm, hair bands, hair clips, chocolates, glasses, a big sweater, two pairs of under wears, vibrator and the most important packet of condoms, what if something happens between me and Kim???

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