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Next day,

On the field, trainees where all assembled on their position and waiting for Captain.

Thanks to Bogum, who came to wake up me from sleep, as I have already informed him last night. Even though, I had set my alarm in phone, as usual, it didn't helped. Cause, I eventually, stopped it, in my sleep.

"Did you ate something?"
Bogum, standing next to me, whispered in my ears and I nodded in no. It's was early in morning, like even before the sun rose up. The climate is quite good, not that cold, atleast I can manage it.

"After practice, I'll treat you."
He again chirped in whispering tone, because anyone around us could hear our conversation. I giggled, in agreement to him.

"We have medicine practice too."
Seokjin babbled inside. I widened my eyes, realising that, I've so stuff to handle. And on top of all,

Kim's isn't helping!

"Sure sir."
I smiled in pleasing tone, to show him my passion for being a doctor. Even though, I was still a college student, I never dreamt of to be a doctor, but I guess what, this gonna be make me. Later on, Seokjin and Bogum started talking on random things, so I didn't paid any attention to him. My mind and heart was super excited to see Kim Namjoon.

I heard, the sound of strong military boots coming forward as yesterday. I could imagine him with that uniform, Hulk body and emotionless face.

"Good morning, everyone."
His croaky, dead, flat, monotonous voice echoed to the ground, grabbing the attention of people and getting them silent.

"Get prepared, today we are going to learn basic military training and techniques."
He informed us about the main aim of today.

"Remember, this is nothing as compared to upcoming training."
He reminded, the future is gonna be hard.

In the first phase of Basic Training, or the Yellow Phase, you'll start to adapt to Army life and learn about discipline, teamwork, Army programs, traditions, and more. Your first weeks will include: Core Values: Learn Army values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.

Namjoon showed us the push ups, pull ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, deadlifts, power throws, biceps curls, burpee, planks, and what not, I don't even know what's they're called but he was instructing his every single action.

Does, he does these all everyday? If yes, then that's why he's so thick!

My god, how will I do this? I'm lazy as f*ck. I don't even remember, the last time I jumped. Then, these super hard exercises, just how?

He back up from his acts and came over forward to say something.

"Each day you must choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret."

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