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"Nice to meet you, Sir."
I smiled to Park Bogum, who's smile dropped in.

"Isn't we were working in the same unit from past two months?"
He gave a judgemental look. Nervous peaks inside me, for this mistake.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Park."
I gave a apology expression, waiting for him to accept when he giggled on me.

"That's fine, Yn-ahh."
He called me, by name.

"There you're."
I mumbled, getting an alcoholic cleanser to clean his wound.

He checked himself and took his sleeves up, so that I can do my work.

"It doesn't burns?"
I watched his facial expressions being so calm while that liquid instantly attacks on his bruises.

"I'm soldier, this is nothing for me."
He smiled, being proud on himself. Indeed, for soldiers this kind of injuries are nothing.

"By the way, how did you get this?"
I asked while applying a ointment after cleaning it.

"It's just I slipped while practicing scout crawl."
He explained and I finished treating him with my knowledge and handling him extra cotton.

I checked and smiled to him, who smiled back to me.

Park Bogum POV-

As usual, she looks so cute with that cheeky smile. Making my heart fluttered once again. Why are you making me fall for you more and more, beautiful lady. I just can't wait for the day, to share my feelings to you, that I adore you the very single moment when I see your sight, everytime.

I know, I'm a soldier, who deserves to die for his nation but still how I wish to see you in my last breathes, how I wish to say you that I love you, so much that you can't even expect. How much, I want to carry you in my arms and swing you around. To see you laugh and the reason would be me. I'll be always there to wipe that tears from your galaxy, looking eyes. How much I want to kiss you and no...

I laughed in my mind, for the things which were just to come in my mind. But, would you love me back, my precious Love?

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