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Crossing the old Han river, we went to the forest. The speed of the horse, the wind of the season, that fragrance of soft love was flowing all over around us.

He was constantly guiding me. I was silently listening to him and nodding my head, as I was sitting front, back facing to him.

"We can control the pace of horse."
He said, just close to my neck, feeling shiver rise up to my spine.

"I'm going to show you"
The speed was already very high, he was so passionately handling it. There were as such not many people around us. But still, it was giving me King and Queen vibe. Well, he's my King, however it's not same for me!

When learning to ride a horse, there are two most common reactions: being unsure or assuming that it will be a walk in the park. Like many things in life, reality lies somewhere between the two reactions. You want to be aware of the potential danger posed as well as the potential fun you will have.

Many people are unaware that riding a horse is not just about sitting on a saddle and hanging on and the common misconception is that the horse does all the physical work. The reality is that horse riding is a very physical activity for a rider and pulling off a new level requires you to have a specific level of expertise and skill. Therefore, it's important that you grasp what it takes and learn how to ride a horse.

Get the right horse riding gear.
Before you ride a horse, wear long, comfortable pants and closed shoes. Footwear is an essential part of your choice of outfit when horse riding. It should be comfortable while remaining relevant. For instance, no matter how comfortable you find sneakers or kitten heels, they are not suitable for horse riding.The ideal footwear is a boot or shoe type with just a small platform heel; this ensures your feet will not slip through the stirrups. It's essential for a learner since it may take a minute before you get the hang of the proper position for your legs and feet. Finally, have a good-fitting helmet on you.

"Get Acquainted with the he Horse,
Don't be quick to jump on a horse and begin your horse riding journey; learn and practice good horse etiquette. Fast movements may frighten the horse, so be gentle. When walking around the horse, keep touching its body so that it remains aware of exactly where you are. Horses are prey animals, so they get frightened pretty quickly. Refrain from making any loud noises and always approach a horse at a quiet and normal pace. Maintain an aura of calmness when handling a horse."

"Ensure You Have Both Balance and Good Posture
Once you're on the saddle, ensure that you are seated in the proper position for balance. Ensure your shoulders and back are straight; you should be in a position to draw a straight vertical line from your ear to your shoulder, hip, and heel."

"Position Your Legs
Once you are securely balanced, get your legs in position. Your legs should be turned inwards as if you are hugging the horse with your legs. Do not squeeze tight; just have your legs curved inwards. While in this position, your toes should be resting higher than your heels."

"Miss Park, focus."

"Everything else has faded
because I've got my focus on you."

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