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It was early morning and we were doing some warm ups. Today, Captain was guiding us as he have to make some announcements. I was doing stretching, when I saw Bogum. Last night, he was looking upset. He did assured me, that he's good. But, his expressions says something different. Like, he's quite happy and serious with training. However, he's looking disappointed, now. I'll ask him, afterwards, during second meals. I headed to my remaining practice. I did learnt alot of exercises and many challenges, which I didn't even know, that they exist. All credits to Captain Kim. You, himself, specially trained me.

"Everyone assemble on ground."
One of superior soldier shouted using all his strength, obviously, there are no microphone or speaker in 1894. We get back to the field. Standing in making a row format according to our heights. And, me being the smallest in size among them, took the position first. Standing, Most people consider a military-type posture to be the correct way to stand. Soldiers pull their shoulders back and stand tall and proud, right? This is great for soldiers and even ballerinas but not for the every day person and not for any extended length of time.

"Soldiers, from tomorrow onwards, we are going for the toughest training."
The great, Kim Namjoon, came forward. Hands back, legs straight. Face up, chin and nose, chest puffed out, no he's not showing it on purpose. He's built up like his only, but Kim think about me, my small, poor heartue, which race with the speed of light with your every sexy movements you pulls.

"War conditions are getting worst, so we've to prepare ourselves."
He runs his eyes all over the trainees as he's serious on what he's saying. Some of them, starts whispering like we are going have more difficult time in training. Now, I'm bit scared on what's coming next but I'll surely fight for my country, Korea. Even, if I came here just to see Captain Kim.

"Remember, we are soldiers, born to die."
He once again, reminder them. Soldiers are so precious. They sacrifice, their life, loved one, family, friends, love, everything for their country. They're biggest Saviour of our country. Only because, they're here on the border, fighting for us, our motherland while not caring for their lives. This makes me, so sad.

"Get back to work."
He screamed and left the field. Everyone, left for their regular works. I did comeback to my chamber and get ready for my further medicines learning as I would be playing the role of Doctor in battle. I wore my apron and walked out the Seokjin chamber. I bumped into someone, a tall man.


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