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"Today, you'll get inspected by Captain, so be prepared."
One of the officer, stood middle of the ground and announced this note to the trainees. It was water break, I immediately, checked upon myself and wipe off my sweats from previous, practice. It been a while, I've started doing well. Last night, I actually, didn't confessed properly, but he didn't said anything, just walked away. I'm scared, what if he rejects me? However, it's alright for me, cause Kim Namjoon deserve great. I don't think so, he could ever love me, back as I do. He deserves, a mature person, not me, who's so irresponsible or stupid. I'll still try to confess to me, in a nice way.

"Who wants to go first?"
He asked, they would be one to one battle with Namjoon, that's so difficult. I ain't going to do this, but, it's in my fate. Till then, a person raised his hands up and walked to front and that's none other than Park Bogum, himself.

"You've guts, huh?"
Some trainee, smirked to him. Obviously, it needs guts to have a battle with Captain Kim, a five star officer. Atleast, Bogum came forward. Not like those, who says someone behind their back and shows like, they're so kind.

He shouted and as usual, a six feet, honey tone, strong man took his steps and came in. Folding his sleeves up, same as Bogum. Right now, both of them, look like hungry Werewolves. Even though, their faces are calm. I bet, they would cursing inside, eachother. One handshake and whistles blows, I can feel a wild fighting setting up.

"So you like YN?"

"From years."

"But, she have a thing for me."

"That's just an attraction."

"No, it's not. You kidnapped her."

"So, you rescue her as if she's something to you."

"She's my trainee, that's just my responsibility."

"Just admit it, Kim, you too like her as she do."


I screamed my lungs out, they are punching eachother like this is real battle for them. All their faces, filled with punches and blood. Bogum, punched Namjoon's mouth, so Namjoon punched Bogum's eyes. Both of them constantly beating the shit out of them. I can't see this. Two of my favourite person, fighting like this. But, why? What the hell, they're proving by this?

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