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"I can explain—"
My heart sank to my stomach, when he pointed his 2mm Kolibri pistol in front of me.

"Love is gone to hell, if you're some spy, I won't think twice about shooting all these bullets in your head. Nation comes first, remember that."
His voice was sounding so much angriness like my one wrong move and he would surely shoot me. His dragon eyes, which used to be filled with love and desires had turned into rage and wrath.

"Please hear me, once, if you still doubt shoot me. I'll happily die by you."
I am confident enough in my love for him. I'll be grateful to die by such a loyal officer, it would be my fortune. He scanned me and then asked me to sit on the bed. My belongings were already shattered here and there. He gave me that paper, my research paper. I hold it, clutching hardly don't know what to say, how to start.

He banged that table, trust me this Namjoon is far more scary than those I used to watch in films. Absolutely, he's so patriotic.


"Captain, it's Captain Kim for you, right now."
His voice was dead and monotonous. Obviously, he's in professional mode. I was gulping hard on my saliva, controlling not to tear up. Cause, this is going beyond my imagination. I had never expected that this scene would ever happen between us. He's a completely different person. I know, duties are his priorities but what about us?

"Captain, I'm not from this century."
I finally opened my mouth to speak, he chuckled, before folding his sleeves up and clenching his jaw on me.

"One wrong word and you're swear to death."

"Let me finish with my explanation."

"I'm YN, a 21st century girl, to be exactly 2024. I'm a student, I was given a project to research on you, Captain Kim. I did all my best to find any information on you. But, there was nothing, not even your picture. I was tired and was giving up. Until my mom showed up, I told her the situation and she came up with some ideas and asked me to pack my things, which are right now lying on the floor. She took me to the time machine which my dad made. He used to be a scientist but unfortunately died due to some health issues. She sent me here in 1894 by that time machine. I reached and the first person I saw was Doctor Kim Seokjin, then I realised that I'm playing the role of a medical officer here. Until I saw you, I went crazy behind you. I know you, I should have informed you of this. But, I don't know, you would believe me or not. This is all my explanation, Captain. Now, if you think I'm faking, please shoot me."
I was done with my honesty and let God decide this case. He paused for some moments and took his pistol back to his pocket.

"All in my working years, I've experienced people who are lying and who are honest. The one who lies, takes time to explain their side with that insecurities and self-doubting. Unlike those who are honest, they are always confident and say it out loud with guts. I got you, so we are dropping this Captain-spy thing here. Let's get back to our relationship as Namjoon and YN."
He smiled and my world came back. The breath that I was holding this time came back to normal. My sweats and fear came down. He took his seat behind me and I hugged him immediately.

"For one second, I thought, I lost you."
I sobbed hard on his chest, he engulfed me in his arms and gave me that warmth I needed right now. I couldn't believe it, I made it. He believes me, my love trusts me. He patted my back and kissed my head multiple times, until I stopped my baby crying.

"YN, I'm sorry."

"No, no need, I know your priorities and I'm absolutely fine with them."

"I love you, YN."

"I love you too, my babe."

"Can you just show me these things?"
He asked me to let him know about my modern things. I smiled, started explaining them one by one. Until, he reached for something.

"What is it used for?"

"You know, like to masturbate. It's a female gadget. It does help to reach orgasms.

"I didn't get it."

"Can you just show me this more practically?"
He smirked.

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