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It was evening and we all were still looking for him. I'm getting scared, where's Namjoon? How is he? Did something bad happen to him? These questions were continuously making my heart beat stop.

"We should inform Sergeant Min."
Bogum suggested and we reached him. He was shocked for a few minutes saying how can such a genuine officer go missing? With that the searching for him started once again. The news was still not revealed to the citizens as Namjoon was their favourite and trusty Captain. They would create a huge chaos, which would make it more difficult to find him.

"Bogum you go to this and I'll move to this side."

"Sure, if you need my help, scream my name, alright?"
We were currently on the back side of the city, which means forest and mountain area. Bogum and I went in the opposite direction while the others were looking down. We were carrying that small vintage lamp. I was walking through those huge tall trees.

"Namjoon? I'm YN, where are you, my love?"
I was constantly calling him, even though my throat became sore from screaming too much. The moon was clear up in the sky, reflecting on objects and creating weird images. My legs were giving up but I didn't let them. The place was a very rough territory, I was slipping again and again. Being exotic, I leaned my shoulders to the trees and took some deep breaths.

"Please be safe, please God save my Namjoon."
Unknowingly some tears left my eyes as my heart was crying deep inside. I know, I'm the reason for his condition. Even if I pray for his good being, he would not. Cause, his two punches are enough to make people's nose. They must've made him helpless.

I whispered his name, my eyes caught the sight of a hut-like place. If I scream here then someone might get informed. It would be good if I silently walked there. I kicked the door with my leg, which Namjoon taught me. There was no one, I turned on my lamp and saw a body tied up on the chair.

"My soldier?"
I ran to him, he was bleeding. His eyes were hardly opening as if he was punched on them. His body was full of bruises, marks some were swollen and bleeding. His knuckles were badly crushed and nails were peeled off.

He tried to hug me when I burst on his lap. I cupped his face, he smiled weakly. My love was torture so much. I abruptly wiped off my tears and started to untie him when someone rushed inside.

"Say the truth or else I'll rape your girlfriend infront of you."

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