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"What the heck?"
I cursed them and continued to untie Namjoon. But he grabbed my hair and pulled him away from Namjoon. It hurt so much when he pushed me against the wall and my head collided with it.

Namjoon screamed as I was bleeding by now. He threw me on the ground and tied me with locks and chains.

A slap was against my face and my lips were bruised. I tried to free myself but couldn't. The slap left some sensation over my cheeks as they turned crimson red with pain.

"You're problem is with me, hurt me not her."
Namjoon stomped his feet aggressively and shouted to that man. In return he knocked his left leg with a steel rod. Namjoon didn't even groan, how can he tolerate this? It's so brutal, throbbing and aching and he's having without any noise.

"Leave him, leave us you man."
I raised my voice to him. It was very dark inside. Just two lamps, I couldn't barely see his face. However, Namjoon was tied close to me, so I could see him.

"Tell me who are you?"
He turned to me, his dark glares were giving some dangerous vibes. How come he knows about me? I came here from future? In any situation, we can't tell him or else the scenario would be worst. Realisation hit me, why Namjoon is tolerating this.

"I'm YN, the trainee of hanseong camp."
I assisted my statement.

"Lie, you and you, both are lying."
He pointed to me and then Namjoon. Did Namjoon told him the same reason?

"I've to admit it Kim, your choice is very sexy."
He smirked with that vulgar face. Now, he's trying to open our mouth from other route. His steps were closing the distance between us. Until, he kept his hand on my shoulder and rubbing it.

"I swear, I'll chop your hands."
Namjoon gritted with very words. His hands were moving down to my shirt. Between my neck and chest. I was so disgusted with his actions. He tore my first two buttons and my inner was showing up. I tried to kick his balls but failed as my legs were tightly tied.

"Such a beautiful body, seems like you've fun yesterday?"
Some Love bites were remained on neck and collarbones. He was referring them. Namjoon was nonstop cursing him.

"Motherf*ck, this won't be good for you."
He was struggling to get free and punch this bastard face. He was coming close to my face. I was already crying and begging him to stop.

"I should suck these cherry lips."
He licked his lips with tongue and tilting his head. I moved my face away from him. Just one more centimetre and he'll kiss me forcefully.

"Please, please, please."
I was begging him, until the door slammed open and

It's Park Bogum.

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