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I rushed to that room, which was upstairs

I exclaimed, watching the cleanliness on the room.

"Why did you hide this from me, huh?"
I asked her.

"Not me, your dad."
She said and removed the big curtain like cloth from something, I guess that thing.

I screamed, first time in my life, I saw time machine, I only heard about them in dramas, but the one I'm witnessing is something else.

"You know, how to operate, this?"
I asked her, as she was working on monitor which was vintage looking.

"Your dad had taught me."
She replied.

"Let's see, if I still remember this."
She added.

"What exact time you gonna put? I mean, we didn't know at what time Kim existed, so?"
I asked her.

"Here, we have to write names."
She replied and typed Caption Kim.

"Hmm, done."
She said before turning to me.

"Listen, not falling in love, no fighting with anyone, not informing them about who are you, don't do anything, cause it will reflect on history."
She was serious.

"Once you found, Kim, write down your notes and come back with this watch and sand clock."
She said as she handed me them.

"What this mean?"
I was confused.

"No questions, just do as said or else I ain't sending you."
She asserted.

"No please."
I requested.

She kept her hand infront of me.

I smiled and holded her hand in mine.

"Get inside."
She said. I engulfed her and hugged her, she pecked my cheeks.

"Don't to anything, which will reflect on our history, let the things happen, meet Kim and come back, directly."
She again repeated.

I nodded.

"Wait, wear this."
She stopped and made me wear a white coat. I was about to ask, but she gave sign in no. I went inside the machine, trust me, I was so scared yet so excited.

"Remember, no falling in love."
She kept repeating the same sentence for ten time.

The machine got locked automatically, a kind of smoke formed, I called mom but she didn't answered. I kept calling, until a sudden bounce in the machine felt. The door opened before saying,

"Welcome to 1894."

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