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Me and Aurora both laughed while talking shit about the people at work. We were sitting at her house after we had just worked a night shift, usually, we worked days but it was short so we both volunteered. I didn't mind I certainly needed the extra hours. Plus we got an extra dollar on the weekend, so I didn't complain too much.

"You should have seen her face, I don't think she thought I was going to say something," Aurora said

"That's because she ain't never worked with you. She go around being mean to everybody so they avoid her ass"

"Can't be mean working a job like this," Aurora said shaking her head

The oven went off and she went over putting the Mac and cheese in the oven "What is mom and pops bringing?"

"Daddy made ribs like always" She smiled shaking her head "Mom made some Arabic food, I think she's missing home. She's been cooking a lot like that lately"

"Has she even visited since they got married?"

Aurora shook her head "Nope, I always wondered why though"

"Maybe it would be too hard for her to come back"

"I wonder why my auntie and dad didn't just move with her, they don't have any family" She wondered

"Right? I'm sure Enya would love Egypt"

"Well I never would've met you if we did," She said

"Yeah, you're life would've been so fucking boring without me"

"I know" she came back into the living room and flopped down on the couch "Shame, probably would've known what quietness was like"

"You bitch" I said and we both started laughing

Someone knocked at the door and Aurora looked at it "Probably Daddy, you know how he is about knocking"

"Man has a key to your house and won't use it"

"Or yours" She stood up

"Thank god he don't use it at mines cause I be getting fucked"

Aurora went over answering the door "Can I help you?"

I stood up going over to the door because I didn't recognize the voice.

"Are you Aurora king?"

"I am" She crossed her arms looking at the two men in front of us

"We've been trying to contact you-"

"I'm sorry I don't answer unknown numbers"

The man nodded and it was only then I realized they were in police uniforms "What is this about?" I asked

He looked at Aurora "She's family"

"There was a car accident, we believe the bodies belonged to Laila King and Brandon King" He nodded his head and the man behind him handed Aurora a bag "These were found at the scene, your name and number were in Brandon King's phone as his daughter"

Aurora opened the bag "What the hell are you saying?" I asked looking at them "What fucking bodies? We just spoke to them a damn hour ago"

Aurora gasped holding Pop's necklace and Mom's watch, she kept going through the bag seeing Dad's wallet and Mom's too. One of Mom's earrings was in the bag and a half-burnt picture of Aurora, Enya, and me.

Their Asia (Geniuses and Genetics Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now