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2 months later

"I just don't understand why you guys can't tell everyone," Enya said "I don't see what the big deal is? I like that you and Auntie Asia are together"

I looked at Enya while she ate her ice cream and chuckled seeing the ice cream on her mouth. I grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth off "Well, it's a bit of a situation"

"Like?" She said waiting for me to tell her

"Like adult business"

She rolled her eyes "You know, you're not that much older than me"

"But I am over 18"

"By a few years," she said smiling and I laughed "Hey?"


"Christmas is coming up in a few days, I want to get Matteo something"

"Okay? Have you talked to your mom about it?"

"Yes, but I'm worried she'll be upset"

"You know your mom will never be upset with you"

"Sometimes I say stuff on accident and she feels bad. I don't mean to but sometimes I can't stop what I think from coming out of my mouth" she said upset

"You know your mom loves you" She nodded her head "Remember when I told you that me and Asia couldn't talk about our relationship because of adult stuff?"


"Sometimes adults make decisions that aren't good ones-"

"Like my mom sleeping with Curtis?"

I dropped my head down and chuckled "That was not a bad decision"

"Prove it"

"Then I wouldn't have this awesome little sister in front of me" She smiled and I noticed one of her teeth was missing "When did you lose your tooth, you just told me it was loose"

"Yesterday, Mommy wants me to put my tooth under my pillow but I know the tooth fairy isn't real"

"What?" I looked at her crazy "The tooth fairy is real"

"No, it's not!" She said smiling "No fairy is going to put money under my pillow for a tooth, it's something that parents do. Besides, I left my tooth under my pillow last night and didn't tell my mom just to prove it wasn't real"

"That's why she didn't come" I shook my head "The tooth fairy doesn't come to kids who don't believe"

She looked at me confused "What?"

"Yeah, I was the same way. All my friends had all this money and I didn't because I said the same thing, then the next time I lost my tooth I prayed to the tooth fairy and she actually came"

"No way"

I leaned over the table looking at her seriously "Way"

"And how much money will I get for one tooth? Since this is a monetary exchange"

"However much you want"

"A million dollars?"

"2 million dollars even"

She looked like she was thinking and slowly nodded her head "Okay, but I'm not going to tell you how much I want just in case you're lying"

I held both of my hands up "If I'm lying you can fight me"

"I'm not going to fight you," She said laughing

"Finish your ice cream so we can go shopping, I want to pick out something for our father too"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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