First Day Back

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(First person)

Y/N Pov: 

Today is the first day of the second semester. A mixture of anxiousness, excitement, and ambition was seeping through my veins as I entered the terrifying Collage gates. "No turning back now" I say to myself as I tries to ignore all of the undetectable feelings. 

Since it's the start of a new semester all of the students will be changing a few subjects so that they can get a feel of what they would like to do, before having to confirm it for their senior years. Since I will be meeting lots of new faces today I decided to try and make a good impression. I get dressed in comfortable yet fashionable just above the knees dress, along with some platforms and a simple short cardigan to go on top. 

(If you don't like the outfits I describe, you can just use your imagination and think of one on your own) 

(Third person)

She has never really cared what others thought of how she dressed, she just wanted to get though school being as average as possible at every aspect except for grades. She is determined to get exaptational grades and get her dream job, she wouldn't let anything get in her way!

As she walked down the school halls and into her classroom, she couldn't help but have that lingering anxiety fill up the back of her mind. No matter where she went or what she did, she could never seem to shake this feeling. 

After finally building up the courage y/n walked into her first new class of the day, digital design. Luckily, she had made it before the professor however, almost every seat was already filled. Well all except one in the very back corner, so she slowly made her way to the empty desk trying to grab as least attention as possible, but she knew that that would be impossible once she saw who was sitting next to the empty seat. It was none other than Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was extremely popular, although he didn't really act like it or make much of an effort to stay popular. All of his fame and popularity amongst his peers inevitably came down to his outstandingly good looks. 

"Excuse me, may I sit here?" y/n asked politely, not wanting to be a bother to him and course others to stare.

(First person)

"Yea sure" The other said blandly. I gave him a polite smile and sat down facing the front as the teacher walk in to start the lecture. I was kind of relieved that the conversation went that quickly and smoothly, usually talking to popular people gets very complicated. I focused on the lecture and took down notes, however I quickly caught myself paying attention to something else, or should I say someone else... 

I tried my best not to look over at him, however sometime through the lesson I just could not take my eyes off of him. No matter how hard I tried not to I couldn't believe how handsome he is. 

Wait! what the hell am I saying!

I quickly shut of the thoughts and turned back to the lecture hoping nobody noticed me staring. I can't be thinking like that about someone who I hardly know!

Luckily the bell went, and I quickly yet politely exited the class and made my way towards the table where me and my friends sit. To my surprise most of them were already there. 

"Hey guys!" I say waving to my four friends, Jeongin, Seungmin,  Jisung and Bangchan. 

"Hello y/n" They all said back.

As I sit down, I notice that my other friend Madi isn't here. (madi is made up and is not based on a real person.)

"where's Madi?" I ask a little sad that my best friend isn't here.

"Well, she wasn't in my class today, so I think they stayed home." Seungmin responded.

"Classic Madi" I say not even surprised; she always seems to get sick at the worst times.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly, I had two more classes, Civics and Citizenship (History), and Interior Design. I enjoyed both of these subjects, but I was still the happiest girl in the world when I finally got to lay down on my bed and have a well-deserved rest. Since it's the first day back my teachers where nice enough to not give me any homework. 

After a quick rest, I do a quick cleanup of my apartment, watch some shows, have dinner, get showered and finally lay down in bed for a good night's sleep.

Or so I thought... The as I lay on my back and try to clear my mind a certain someone keeps crawling back into my mind. Hyunjin.

The end word counts 803.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I finally got back to writing. I haven't had much motivation lately, but I finally found some. I mean it's only been a month... sorry :(

Until I met you (Hyunjin SKZ x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt