The Competition

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(Wednesday, Y/n pov)

I'm currently on my way to collage for my fist class. I only have one class today, dance class. It's our final lesson before the big competition tonight, and I'm really can feel my body shake at just the thought of it. I haven't seen Hyunjin since Sunday; however, he has been texting me good morning and good night every day since we started dating. Every time I hear the buzz of my phone, my heat flutters. I still cannot believe that I am actually dating him, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.  

I make it to class, and I am met with a smiling boy waving for me to go over. I walk over and sit in the seat beside Hyunjin, a large grin spready across his face as I do.

"Hello, beautiful" he says, putting his hand over my shoulder. I blush but quickly remove it, already sensing the stares from the other students. "Don't worry about them. They'll have to get used to us being together, because I have no plan on leaving you. Not ever." he says, placing his arm back around me and pulling me closer. This time I allow his arm to stay rested there.

"Hey, Hyunjin, Hello Y/n" I hear a loud voice say as Hyunjin's friends walk over. "Hello" Hyunjin greets Lee know and Felix as they sit down at our table with us. I give them a smile, to not look rude. 

"I take it your guy's date went well?" Lee Know says, gesturing to our closeness. "Yes, it went very well" Hyunjin answers, tightening his grip on my shoulder. I feel another presence sit beside us, so I look up only to be greeted by the large grin of Seo Changbin. "Congrats, Hyun. You did well" he laughs, sitting beside Felix. Hyunjin's eyes darken immediately, and he pulls me closer, I can tell he's getting jealous, and it gives me butterflies, but it's also a bit frightening. "Calm down bro. I already told you, I'm tryna get her bestie." "Madi?" I can't help but blurt out. "That's the one, she's a cutie." I giggle, remembering what Madi said about Changbin the other day. "You know...She actually told me that she like more muscular guys, so you might have a chance." I say, and I think that Hyunjin getting a little upset that I wasn't paying attention to his because he cut off our conversation just as quickly as it started. 

"Why are you here? This isn't even your class" Hyunjin said coldly, trying to mask his anger because he knew damb well that he had no right to be, but he couldn't help it. "I had to switch dance classes because apparently, I was disrupting others but I personally, don't think I did anything wrong."

"Classic Changbin." Felix shook his head.

The teacher walks in, and we all turned to face her. "Okay class, so as you already know we have the dance competition tonight. I hope that all of you will do you're very best, because I have a surprise for the winners." 


The dance lesson was pretty boring, the teacher was just telling us about the details for the competition. Where to be, who to bring, what time to arrive, etc.

I was done with school today, however before going home I decided to take a quick stop by the cafeteria since I knew all of my friends would be there. I walk up to the table where, Jeongin, Bangchan, Han, Seungmin, and Madi sat.

"Hello~" I say, sitting beside Madi. "Y/n! I didn't know you were coming" Madi hugged me tightly. "Are any of you guys' free tonight?" I ask, hopeful.
"Yea, why" they ask.
"I was wondering, if you guys would like to watch a dance competition tonight, Hyunjin and I are performing. I have some free tickets since my family can't make it" 

"Of course!" They all yell, causing a few people to stare.
"Okay, I'll text you guys the address. It starts at 5:00pm"
"Okay, well we should get going" Bangchan says, rushing away with the other so that they aren't late for their next class. "Madi~ I have something to tell you" I say keeping her back fir a minute as the others rush away. "What it is?"

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