First Day of The Project

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(First person)

It's currently Friday, and my only class today is dance class. I'm both excited and nervous, since we are doing this competition me and Hyunjin will have to spend this lesson together. I have decided to stop trying to get rid of what I think about him and instead make sense of it. I have come to the conclusion that yes, Hyunjin is very attractive, but no, I do not have a crush on him and never will.

I finally make it to dance class and I am surprisingly one of the first people there, so I take this opportunity to take my seat at the very back row. As I sit down, I decided look through my Instagram feed when all of a sudden, I come across a rather familiar face.

 As I sit down, I decided look through my Instagram feed when all of a sudden, I come across a rather familiar face

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(This took way longer thanit should have lol)

I follow him mainly on impulse, there wasn't really much thought into why I did. You could tell he was popular just by looking at his Instagram. 10,022 followers and only 25 following, you have to be a special kind of popular to get followers without having to follow back. Just as I started looking though his photos, I felt a pair of piercing eyes staring me down.

I look beside me and see none other than Hyunjin, staring over my shoulder. I look over at him a little embarrassed, well a lot embarrassed that I had just been caught looking through his Instagram.

"Hello...I see you've found my Instagram" he says with a slight rasp in his voice.
"Umm, yea I was just looking through my feed and saw it" I smile awkwardly.
"Thank you for the follow" he says taking out his phone and following me back.
It kind of made me happy that he followed me back since he usually only follows his friends, but I guess he was just trying to be nice since we'll be stuck together for a few weeks. I smile back at him and then the teacher walks in, so we both turn to pay attention to her.

"Good morning class, today you and your partner will find inspiration on the internet and start planning your choreography. We will start dance practice next Tuesday, so I would advise meeting up with your partners over the weekend. Thank you class."

I turn to Hyunjin getting a little anxious, realizing that we will have to conversate with each other for the whole lesson.

"So, how do you think we should chorography this?" Hyunjin asks, tilting his head with a reassuring smile.
"Well, I was thinking that since slower and softer movements are move common with duo performances, we should do the opposite." I suggest.
"And why do you think that?" Hyunjin asks intrigued, with a fond smile on his face which makes me a little red, but why would that happen it's just a smile?
"Well, I think it would make our dance stand out and it would bring more impacted than the other dances." I say, hoping that he will not think I'm stupid.
"Oh alright, I think that's a great idea."
"Really?" I say out loud although I didn't mean to.
"What do you mean 'really'?" he asks a little skeptical of my response.
"Oh umm nothing, that's great let's get to work" I say getting out my workbook and laptop, hoping he wouldn't think I'm too weird.

However, to my Suprise he just got out his workbook and smiled at me as if nothing had happened. That's unusual, usually when I make a mistake the person looks at me like I'm an absolute worthless freak... but Hyunjin didn't, if anything he just looked even happier than before.


We are just about to finish up the first veers and chorus of our duet. We, well mainly me, decided on using the song 'Victim' by Johnnie Guilbert for our duet. (Might change the song later but maybe not)

It took a while, but I've come to realize that talking to Hyunjin isn't as terrifying as it seems. Don't get me wrong, I still get nervous as hell when I'm around him, but I can at least get through a conversation without wanting to curl up into a ball and cry... Which I guess is a good thing?

I'm on my laptop searching through some duet images for inspiration, when all of a suddenly I feel my hand be enveloped by a much larger one, Hyunjin's. I tense up a bit confused. Hyunjin takes my hand and scrolls over to an image on the screen. 'Ohhhhh, he was just trying to show me something...' Dame, I really need to stop thinking about him like that, I'm such a creep. He scrolled down to an image and hovered over it, still guiding my hand with his own.

"This one looks interesting, we could do something similar to this in the pre-chorus." he says hovering over an image of on male dancer standing behind a female dancer, one hand on her hip and another holding her hand.
I wasn't really expecting us to get too touchy with this choreography, but he seems calm about it so I don't want to overreact.

"Yea, that seems nice. Maybe we could use that for when we have to change the tempo." I smile at him.
Just as I finished copying down the link to the image the bell rung. Hyunjin and I quickly packed up and just as I was about to leave, I felt a tug on my wrist. I look back to see Hyunjin tugging on my sleeve.

"What is it?" I ask him, stopping to face him.

"Well, I was wondering, about what Mis T said. Would you like to meet up over the weekend to finish the choreographing?" her asks giving me a pleading smile.

"Yea sure, I gave you my number the other day so just call or text me when your free, I'm free anytime." I smile at him and exit the building going back home since that was my only class for the day. I can feel my cheeks redden as I quickly walk out of the room, it's probably just because of the humidity, yea that has to be it....

Word count: 1022
Yay, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I've been doing my best to post. But my posts my start dying down soon because I haven't written the plane for the second half of my story yet.

Anyway, have a great rest of your life and stream 'Vampire' by Johnnie Guilbert, It's soooo gooooood.

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