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(Y/N pov)

It was a particularly cool evening, when Hyunjin and I decided to have dinner. It's been a while since we have hung out outside of dance practice. 

The air was tense as we walk side by side to the restaurant. I couldn't tell what had changed since we left the practice room, but it just felt different, like we were more aware of each other's presence. Our fingers barely brushed against each other when we reached the front door, my face flushed and heart beat faster, however I kept calm as to not let him notice. The dim lighting of the place enveloped me like a warm embrace, casting our shadows on the walls in a dance that seemed to mimic our own steps. The aroma of the freshly cooked food filled the air, making me remember why we had arrived to the establishment.

As we were shown to our table, I couldn't help but notice how Hyunjin looked even more handsome in this new scenery. His eyes seemed to sparkle whenever he looked at me, and I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up in response. I've taking a lot of time to think over these past few days and I think I am ready to face it...I am in love with Hyunjin. 

I know I said I never would but these past few days, I've been noticing more and more of the little things he does. That is why I have discovered, that not only is Hyunjin extremely handsome, he is also an extremely kind and genuine person. Although I have finally figured out my feeling, I must get rid of them. Hyunjin would never feel the same for me as I do for him. He could get any woman in the world, so why would he choose me? The quick answer is, he wouldn't.

The waiter handed us the menus, and we began to browse through the delicious options. This place looks expensive, but Hyunjin did choose it after all and if you didn't already know he is rich rich. I'm not though, but I'll just have to suck it up, I don't want him thinking I'm a cheap ass. Even if I have no chance to date him, I want him to at least respect me whilst we do the project together.

The conversation flowed easily enough, with Hyunjin telling me about his trip to Europe over the last school holiday's. It didn't surprise me that he would go on such adventures, but it was still interesting. We continue light conversation but underneath the surface, there was an undeniable tension between us. Every time our hands brushed against one another's; I felt a jolt of electricity.

As we talked, I couldn't help but notice the way Hyunjin was looking at me, as if he was checking me out. But not in a weird or uncomfortable way, he had a loving and attentive stare. I'm probably just over thinking it. He leaned in slightly, just enough to make sure I could feel his breath on my neck as he asks, "So, have you been here before, Y/n?" His voice was smooth as silk, a little flirtation, but I'm sure he's like this with everybody, I'm not special. I shivered slightly at the contact, my cheeks reddening even more. "Um," I stammered, trying to regain my composure. "No, no I haven't"

Hyunjin grinned. "Oh, I'm glad. I like to know I'm the only person who has brought you here." He smirks, and I swear he was flirting with me. But it can't be true, there's no way he would even want a simpleton like me. He took a sip of his wine, and I couldn't help but get a sense of deja vu as I watched him, could this be the same stuff we had at his place, the night we...I'm not going to finish that thought.

"So, what got you into dancing in the first place, Y/n?" He asked casually, his tone light and inviting. i took a deep breath, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as I responded. "Well, I've always loved dancing, ever since I was a little girl. My parents really wanted to have a talented child and since my siblings where useless, they put me in dance classes the second I told them about it." I smile shyly, my cheeks still flushed from his earlier comment. "And what about you? How did you get into it?"

Hyunjin chuckled, enjoying the way the light set on Y/n's eye's when she smiled. "It's kind of funny, really. I was pretty good in sports at high school, but one day I broke my leg pretty badly and my parents never let me play again. Lee Know and Felix thought I'd be good at dancing since I was well coordinated. So, they signed me up for a class."

As they talked, the waiter returned with their food. My plate was a beautifully seared salmon filet, accompanied by a bed of sauteed vegetables and a delicate, creamy sauce. I had never had anything this fancy before, however I contained my interest in the new dish. Hyunjin had some type of paster, and I found it strange how they managed to create such a fancy looking dish, out of a food so simple. We dug in, taking small bites. We has some small conversation, as we ate our meals. 

Throughout dinner, Hyunjin continued to do what I could only describe as flirt with me. Playfully teasing about my dancing skills and asking questions about my life. He seemed genuinely interested in everything I had to say, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through my chest whenever he looked at me. The more they talked, the more comfortable we became with each other, out laughter filling our area of the restaurant, making sure to not annoy other guests.

I noticed that Hyunjin has a way of making me feel special, like I was the only person in the room with him. He has this ability to make me feel beautiful and wanted, even though I know were just friends. As we finish up our dinners, I couldn't but wonder if there was something more between us. I know it's stupide, but I just feel like we can be more than just friends. 

When the waiter brought out the dessert menu, Hyunjin suggested they share something sweet. He looked at me meaningfully as he asked, "Y/n, I hope you don't mind me saying this..." He starts, and I can tell he's nervous, but I don't say anything, giving him time to find his words. "I've really enjoyed spending time with you over these past couple of weeks, and I feel like there's something special between us." He took a deep breath, his hands trembling as he reaches across the table and took my hand in his. "I just want you to know that if you feel the same way, I'd like to explore our bond and see what happens." He says with sincerity, and I know I can believe him, I want to believe him, but I just can't. It's just to good to be true.

"R-really? Are you being serious?" I asked a little embarrassed that I had to conform, but I just could not believe my ears.
"Yes, Y/n. I am being 100% serious, and I really hope that you feel the same way...But if not I completely understand." He said with a sigh.
"No! I mean, no I-I think exploring this 'bond' we have is a great idea" I said in a rush, scared to turn him down.

"Really? I can't even express how happy you have just made me Y/n."


The both of us had finished up our dinner and of course Hyunjin paid, which caused my heart to flutter even more. Hyunjin offered to walk me home. So, were now taking a far too familiar walk down the street however, this time I felt welcome and wanted. I can't believe he asked me out, that was the last thing I was expecting tonight.

As we reached the front of the campus building, Hyunjin stopped me. "So, how about I pick you up Saturday and we can have a proper date?" He asked, with his usually confidence, which he has seemed to have gained back since our talk at the restaurant.
"Sure...I-I would love that" I said, still a little nervous. I have been asked out before, but it's never felt like this.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8"30am" And just like that, he was gone. I entered my apartment room, feeling a rush of excitement and fulfillment with all that has happened.

Word count: 1437

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Until I met you (Hyunjin SKZ x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant