Stuck Together

98 2 1

(First person)

I'm currently on my way to school for the second day of the second semester. I got a text from Madi saying that she would be away again, so my day was already off to a bad start. Not to mention that dream, like what kind of weirdo has a dream about calling someone hot!? Especially since I hardly know him.

But putting all that aside, today should be good. I have the first class for the rest of my subjects that I didn't go to yesterday, meaning I have dance class today!! I love dance class, it's fun and an easy class to get a good mark in. 

I arrive at the school gates and like always a wave of dread and worry fills my mind, although I can't quite think of anything that I should be worrying about...weird. 

My first class went pretty quickly, it was specialist math although it was boring, I managed to get all of the work done and avoid homework. Finaly, I walk into dance class, I can't wait to see who's in my class. I look around trying to find any familiar faces but unfortunately, I see none of my friends. Since it's the first day we are doing theory, so I walk to an empty desk in the back row and sit down. 

I was getting my workspace ready for when the teacher comes in when I hear a familiar voice. I look up from my desk and spot the one and only Hwang Hyunjin, as well as his friends, Felix and Lee know. (Don't worry I didn't forget about Changbin, he will be later in the story)

I mean I'm not really surprised to see him here, since him and his friends are pretty well known for being some of the best dancers in the school. Some people even call them the Danceracha of our collage. (Hehe)

The boys sit in the row of desks right in front of me, as the teacher walks in to start the lesson. 

"Good morning class, today we will start by filling out this work sheet on some basic dance knowledge." Mis T says as the support teacher hands out a sheet to each student. 

"Please get started on this, as I finish up a little surprise that I have for the second half of the lesson." 

I do as Mis T asked and start to fill out the work sheet, she was right it was basic knowledge. After about 10 minutes I had finished all 25 questions, so I got out my favorite book 'Rouge' by Mona Award. (You guys should check it out if you're into reading real books, it's really good)

However, a few minutes into my reading my focus started drifting away to the boys in front of me. Particularly the taller on in the middle, Hyunjin. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, no matter how hard I tried I just kept looking at him. It was starting to feel a little too similar to yesterday in digital design class. After god knows how long of staring at him, my attention was brought back to the front of the room, when the teacher started talking.

"Okay class please put those work sheets away and listen up" I did as she asked immediately, I always feel bad for teachers when students give them a hard time, so I always try my best to do as they ask and always pay attention. Not just for my sake but also for theirs.

"Okay, so since you are all rather experienced dancers, I thought that I would enter our class into a dance competition. This competition is for duos so I will pare you up and the best duo will compete."
I was a little shocked to hear this, but also distressed. I had no friends in this class, so I don't know how I will find someone to partner up with.

"And one last thing. I will be choosing your partners for you, just for an additional challenge. I have done some research and partnered you up with who I think you will work best with"

I was relieved by this, but also worried. What if I get someone I don't like!

"I will call out your partners and once I have called your name you must go sit with your chosen partner. Understood?"
We all nod in agreement.

"Okay, first is Jake, and Johnnie (If you know you know)
Next, Sarah and Holly
Next, Felix and Lee Know"

I teacher went through the names, and I watch as each person got up to sit by their partner. I was getting more anxious by the second.

"And lastly, Y/n and... Hyunjin."

OMG! Before I even had time to process this Hyunjin was already sitting in the desk next to me. I was freaking out, even though I don't know why I would be. I was acting like I had a crush on him or something...but I don't know why I would be acting like that because I DEFFINATLY don't.

"Hey" he says which almost gave me a heart attack.

"Oh, hello" I say trying my best to act normal but failing miserably.

"I didn't realize you'd be in two of my classes, but I guess it's nice to be pared up with a familiar face." He smiles at me, which makes my stomach swirl. I can't believe he remembers me, it makes me feel so happy to know that he actually bothered remembering my face. I don't know why though. It's probably just because he's popular, yea that must be it...

"Yea, I guess it's better than being with a complete stranger" I smile back at him. 

"Well, would it be alright if I got your number?"

What!! did he seriously just ask for my number!

"You know, so that we can talk about the dance, and organize times to meet up" He explains.

"Oh, yea sure..."

Word count: 1059

If you have any suggestions, please leave in the comments :) 

I made this chapter a little longer than usually to make up for the short one yesterday! I hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

Don't forget to vote! (Only if you want too of course)

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