She's gone

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(Third person pov)

Y/n stormed out of Hyunjin's house not saying a word as she grabbed her things and left.  Hyunjin panicked, knowing he fuck up bad. "Y/n! I'm sorry please don't go!" He yelled following Yn out of the house. To his surprise Madi was park out front of his house. Before he could get another word out, Yn got in Madi car, and she was gone.

(Madi pov)

I was confused when Yn called me to pick her up from Hyunjin's place, but I was even more confused when I pulled up to Hyunjin place and saw her storm out with Hyunjin running behind her looking like he was about to cry. 

"What happened!" I almost yelled as she got in the car.

"Just drive" I obeyed her wish and drove off, watching Hyunjin as he walked but inside with a genuinely sad look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" I ask a little worried, Yn is not usually the type of person to get into argument so this would be serious.

"Not really...Hyunjin was just being a prick" Yn said coldly, but I could tell there was more she wanted to say. "Come on Yn, what happened?"

"Well....Hyunjin hit me" The second those words left her mouth I was ready to turn this car around and give that stupide rich fucker a piece of my mind, and I think Yn could tell because she quickly added on. "Well, not really hit, more so pushed me. I don't think he meant for it to be that hard, but it still hurt" she continued, and I calmed down a little, but I was still pissed. 

"WHAT! HOW DARE HE!" I shout, not even being able to control my voice. "Calm down" "Why did he push you?" I say coming back to reality and calming my anger. "Well, I'm not sure exactly. But I think it might had had something to do with a question I asked him. "What did you ask him" I say intrigued.

"I asked his why his parents are never around" she says, and I'm starting to figure out what had happened. "Why would you ask that?" I question and I can see her slowly realizing her mistake. "Well, I've just been thinking about it for a long time, and he was talking about his parent's company so I thought he wouldn't mind me asking, but I know" she said not being able to finish her sentence, although I knew what she meant.

" that all that happened? Did you just ask him a question or is there more?" I question wanting to know the full context of the situation. "After I asked him, he just went quiet and wouldn't answer me. And then he just kind of snaped at me out of nowhere. Like started yelling and asking me why I care or like that I don't need to know and stuff" She starts to explain and I kind of already have an opinion on the situation but let her continue anyway. "And I could tell he was upset, so I walked up to him to tell him I'm sorry, but he just yelled at me and told me I'm not sorry. Then he pushed me to the ground" She finished, and I could see she was getting emotional.

"I see, well maybe he doesn't have the best relationship with his parents" I say, trying to let her see Hyunjin side. "I'm not saying that that gives him the right to hurt you...I'm just saying that maybe he has some things going on with his family" I say not wanting her to think that I am excusing his behavior, because it most definitely was not right.

"Yea, that makes sense but still..." I can see that she is understanding what I mean but is still unsure of what to make of this. "Maybe you should try to make up with him?" I say, and I know it might be stretch, but I can at least try. "But why should I apologies? He's the one who overreacted." 

"I'm not telling you to apologies, I just want you to talk to him and try to figure out why this happened. I really don't think you should break up with him, but you should definitely make it know that you will not put up with this behavior in the future."

"You're right" She finally admits. "But not right now, maybe in a few hours. Can you just drop me at my place for now?" 

"Of course"

(Hyunjin pov)

I can't believe I just Fucking did that!! Like what is wrong with me?!

I stomped back into my house, feeling a surge of anger rush through my body. I slammed the door shut feeling lightheaded from the force. "Fuck!" I yelled throwing a candle at the wall and watching as it smashed into millions of pieces. "What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I repeated a string of curses as I smashed basically any unimportant thing I could find.

After I had gotten my anger out all I could do was cry, and cry, and cry. My eyes where a burning, red, mess and everything around me was blurred by my tears. "Why did I do that..." was all I could get out. I looked up when I heard footsteps and started crying even harder when I saw Kkami trying to walk through the kitchen without stepping on broken glass. I quickly picked up Kkami so that he wouldn't get glass in his little paws. "I'm so sorry, beautiful" I say to Kkami, although I wish that I were saying it to Yn. 

After I had calmed down, I did the horrible task of cleaning the mess of hundreds of shards of glass from my little, well big outrage. After cleaning up the mess, I had cleared my mind of my anger, or at least my anger towards Yn, I was still furious at myself. I pulled out my phone to call Yn, but no answer, I called again, no answer, and called a third time and you guessed it, she answered......... just kidding she didn't. :)

So, I took the only option I had and texted her.

______My beautiful Yn_______

H: Hey, I know I fucked up I'm really sorry.
H: Can I please talk to you, I completely understand if you hate me now, but I can I please just see you one last time?
H: Please Yn, I truly am sorry


I know I sound desperate, but I really am sorry, and desperate. I guess I'll just have to wait for her response, if she ever does respond that is.

Word count: 1113

Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed! I know I said that I would finish this in this chapter, but it's gonna be at least another 2 chapters now.

I don't know why I made them have a fight, I just wrote it without really thinking.

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